The Girl With Yellow Hair

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   The bartender gave him a second glass of beer, even though He doesn't usually drink too much or go on dates. That's for the straightforward reason that he promised not to do such foolish things. He lifted a hand to signal his companion that he was going outside, and he did the same with the vine.

He heard a girl with yellow hair and a scarlet dress call him as he was making his way to the car, to run once more. She said as she faced him:

- You forgot your ring!

- ...

He wondered how he could have forgotten something so expansive like this. The cute girl said:

- "Hello!" as he was still in shock. Are you okay?

- Yeah! Y- yes, I'm good.

Taking the ring from her hand, he said:

- I may have dropped it because I was fiddling with it in my hand. So I didn't see it when I got up.

They lock their gazes on one another's faces. He found her face to be both worried and lovely, and she looked at him with her brown eyes, wondering what this man was hiding. She then focused her eye on him and said:

- Are you married?

- Huh?

His expression turned cold and he spoke in a careless voice:

- I have to go.

- ...

On the path home, he was thinking about that girl. He was saying to himself: what if I asked for her number, invited her to my place, or took her out on a date? Even with all of these questions running through his thoughts, if he returns, he will not change anything. Because his wife lives with another guy, he transforms into someone he does not recognize: a lonely, fearful, and worried individual.

He arrived at an understanding that the possibility of being abused increased with contact with another person. Since he thinks he is powerless over this, He picked something that, for the time being at least, he could control. At this moment, he was missing his bed.


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