Plan in action

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I went to school worried as hell knowing that my mum was going to meet up with rochelles mum and talk about the problem because honestly i didnt completely trust her. we got called to the office and were told to wait there for our parents as we had to pick up her brother from school and go down to the police station. however while we were waiting in the campus leaders office we knew we had to make our own fun someway.

Even though so far it had been a terrible day we were always able to keep ourselves entertained, whether it be dancing or mocking people. This time i was dancing trying to entertain my friend as the teacher walked in and hit me with the door by accident.

After this little incident we were finally called out to the meeting rooms where we sat with our mums and the principal to discuss the issue, we were later sent to go pack our bags and tell our current teacher that we were leaving. Of course as we hadnt been in class all morning almost everyone in the class had a heap of questions and we knew they would not leave us alone. Because of this i knew it was already a hard day for my best friend so i took up the initiative and told her i would go into class and get her bag so she didnt have to deal with people.

After we left school we went and picked up her brother from the primary school across the road. We then went to the police station and sat there in the kids corner while our parents were in a meeting room with a few police officers. At around 1:30 us kids started to get really hungry and wanted to go get something to eat but instead we turned on our music and started to dance because we needed something good on such a bad day. After about 5 hours Rochelle was called into the meeting room and had to answer some questions, she came out crying and refused to tell me why so i just left her alone for a bit and played with her brother.

That afternoon when we left the police station they were told they were unable to go home until he was arrested so my mum decided she would let them stay at our house for the night. When we got home i cooked them food, i gave rochelle clothes then started to get ready because we had a baptism party that we needed to attend. We left them with the alarm remote so they were able to turn it on if something happened and it would call my mums phone.

When I got home at about 12:30am my bedroom light was left on. Rochelle had started to clean my room however did not get very far before going to bed with her mum and brother in our spare room. I later went to bed after spending some time on my phone and woke up the next morning.

The next morning one of the people who looked after me when I was younger came over and took rochelle and i for a drive, we were warned to be careful because where we were going was around the are her dads parents lived and it was possible he was there. When we got where we were going we could either stay in the car or we could go play on the playground near the tennis courts.

Us being the most immature 13 year old in the world decided to go play on the playground. We were dancing and singing at the very top where anyone could see us, we really didnt care until we saw a really hot guy playing tennis looking at us. We decided to go back to the car finding it locked so we decided to stand outside of the car in the freezing cold. As we usually did we started mocking anybody we saw and made our own fun because we had nothing else to do and all i wanted to do was keep her mind off everything.

That afternoon rochelles dad was arrested and taken out of the house which made it available for them to go live in again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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