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When he is already out, and a cigar is lit on his lips—the smoke passing through his lungs, contradictorily, he can breathe again. The Moulin Rouge is completely illuminated like the other night, and despite resisting, Taehyung appears in his mind. Is he okay? Is he happy with the guy who called him that day? "Hello," Jeongguk hears a whisper in his left ear, his heart beats loudly and as he turns around, he sees the most beautiful face of all. Standing and more stunning than ever, Taehyung smiles as if he had called him with his thoughts. "It’s fancy see you here," The smoke gets stuck a little in his chest, he coughs a few times and Taehyung smiles candidly. Jeongguk decides to put out the cigarette to avoid any accident again. "Hello," the artist moves his head from side to side, graciously. "What?" Asks the older man, it gives him the impression that although silent, Taehyung is making fun of him. The artist stands next to him and again, he feels his heart escaping several beats. Jeongguk turns to look at Taehyung and his face is mired in a mocking giggle. "Nothing, we don’t see each other for so many days and the only thing you say is a hello," he shrugs and laughs briefly, but genuine. Jeongguk observes how the other is dressed and is so strange, because for the first time he’s wearing a pair of pants. Indistinctly, the pants accentuate his waist and curves so sinfully that he must turn his head to stop looking. Taehyung looks as attractive and inviting as ever. "Sorry," he apologizes, "I don’t know what else I should say to someone I have not seen in a while. I thought a hello was politically appropriate." He also shrugs, his tone is playful and the alcohol allows him to be more loose. Taehyung laughs melodically and turns around, leaning against the railing and heading towards Jeongguk. "I missed you in my shows," he adds falsely hurt. Jeongguk looks at him, studying his reaction. This claim takes him off guard, because they aren’t close, they don’t have any relationship or anything like, but in the same way Jeongguk feels he must give an answer. "Ahhh, I had personal issues to solve." He comments, remembering the last two weeks, how intense they were and how much they demanded him in emotional terms. "Related to your marriage?" Taehyung doesn’t look at him, he seems more interested in the large windows of the Bar, but Jeongguk can see through him, the years giving him an advantage. He perceives the younger one doesn’t want to seem interested, but it doesn’t work and Jeongguk smiles a little. "Partly," he acknowledges. And it’s true, Alice sometimes has to do with the sadness of his days, but sometimes she is also a source of joy. Normally she is understanding, she knows he doesn’t want to share his days with someone he doesn’t love, but sometimes it becomes hard to pretend so much, all the time. With his friends, with their families. "She is a good woman." Taehyung nods weakly and makes a knowing sound. He seems anxious, if his foot moving incessantly on the floor says something. "I'm trying to quit, but it makes me anxious," he acknowledges humorously, "Even more so when I smell the scent on you.” Now, he turns his gaze to Jeongguk and he gazes back, the air stuck in his chest again. Taehyung looks so out

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