Chapter 1 ~ payback ~

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~ prologue ~ 

Phon grabbed Kao's wrist and dragged him into the empty office to his left before slamming him against the wall.

"what the hell do you think you're doing" Kao said rubbing his shoulder

Phon went close to Kao, his hands flat against the wall on either side of Kao's head and he glared at him before continuing,

"now listen here Kappanajong, I know what your game is and if you think I'm just going to stand by and watch as you try and split them both up, you better think again!" Phon spat and he watched as Kao's skin flushed, so he was right then.

"get away from me" Kao said trying to push him in the chest but Phon wouldn't move.

"you had your chance with Chai Son and you left him and married someone else, you can't come crawling back into his life now, let the guy be happy for fucks sake" Phon said striking a nerve.

Tears formed in the corner of Kao's eyes at the bodyguards words, how the hell did he know all this?

"you know nothing about Chai Son and I or why I did what I did ..." Kao began,

"no I don't but if you truly loved him you would have stayed with him, he's moved on and you should too" Phon said.

"get out of my way" Kao ordered.

"no, not until you promise me that you'll stay away from Kallan and Chai Son" Phon replied.

"this has nothing to do with you, you're a nobody poking your nose into something that is way above your pay grade" Kao said with more confidence than he was actually feeling.

Phon thrust his fingers through Kao's hair and tugged his head back until his throat was exposed,

"now listen to me you stupid little fool, I'll say it one more time, stay away from my boss and his fiancé, what are you, so desperate you can't get anyone else" Phon said tugging at Kao's hair until tears ran down his face and he cried out in pain.

Phon realised he was being too heavy handed and relaxed his hold before looking at the man's face, his eyes staring at Phon in shock as if no one had even treated him in such a way, his lips slightly parted as he gasped and his adams apple bobbing as he gulped in air ...

"oh fuck it" Phon said as he captured Kao's lips in a passionate kiss, Phon's other hand taking hold of Kao's chin to hold him secure as his tongue plundered Kao's mouth, tasting, licking and nipping at his lips until he heard Kao groan.

Realising what he was doing he pushed Kao away from him in distain before speaking,

"straighten your clothes and get out ... and don't come back here again" Phon said before walking out of the office and slamming the door.

Kao lifted shaky fingers up to his lips and wondered what the hell just happened, he had to get out of here but he dreaded walking past that guard again, he felt so humiliated, so violated and yet, he was the one who had groaned like some needy little slut.

His head hurt, the bastard didn't need to pull his hair like that, Kao stood upright and straightened his clothing before walking to the door and taking a deep breath. He pulled open the door and walked out bracing himself to walk past the guard only to discover he wasn't there.

He was so tempted to walk into Kallan's office but he was also afraid, what if the guard was inside with Kallan, what would he do to him in retaliation. Kao was angry with himself for allowing that guard to dictate to him.

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