➳༻❀ ☕ ❀༺➳ Chapter 1➳༻❀ ☕ ❀༺➳

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As the reader's husband entertained another woman yet again.

[Unknown pov]

"Your grace?" sigewinne said with a worried look on her face, "Did you find any new leads sigewinne?" Wriothesley said with a glint of hope in his eyes, sigewinne looked down in defeat as she nodded no, "It's fine, just go attend to your patients for now." Wriothesley said as he sighed and dismissed her, his ears perked up as he heard his door barge open "Wriothesley, take your tea," Clorinde said as she tossed the tea on his desk. "Hey- careful! And let's not try to barge in here next time, I don't want the doors to break!" Wriothesley said as he moved his fingers to his temple to massage it. "Then don't make me your errand worker, Wriothesley." She said as she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you still looking for that girl? What was her name?" "Her name is (Your name) and yes that brings me back to my question I was going to ask you," Wriothesley said as he was pouring some tea for the both of them. "Did you find any leads about her?" Wriothesley said as he served the tea "no. She's been missing for YEARS and you expect people to find leads on her like it's such a easy task." Clorinde said as she sipped on her tea "The only thing we can do is hope for now." Clorinde said as Wriothesley went silent as he was stirring his tea. "Well good luck on your search I'll make sure to keep a lookout for her but bye for now." Clorinde said as she exited his office and left to attend further duties.

~Readers POV~

You picked up the letter and saw who it was from, you sighed in relief as you opened the letter from your husband hoping that he would be coming home soon preferably with food as you've been starving for days now

Dear, (Your name)

I apologize as I cannot make it again today as you know my job is holding me up again, for now eat what you can find but don't you dare leave the house we don't want "Them" taking you away from me do we? If I find out you left the house without permission you will see to another punishment much like the last one.

Love, David

You stared at the letter but heard your stomach rumble loudly you started looking around for food but all you found was moldy bread and expired milk you started feeling dizzy as your legs buckled and you fell to the floor and continued with your daily routine of crying on the floor in pain in a fetal position, normal days would consist of your so called husband kicking at you to get up and clean the house and cook for him as to him a women's job was to have kids and serve her husband. You hated that man with every fiber of your being you were forced into this marriage anyways. You sat in that position for a few hours until you built the courage to limp to your room as you sat on your bed and started thinking long and hard about what to do. "I'm sorry future me if you get punished but I must do this." You said as you grabbed a black cloak and covered yourself in all black so that way you'd blend in with the night sky and dark environment, with some courage you eventually walked out your house with a little mora and a lot of fear incase of your husband suddenly showing up, after all he was the king of stalking you, though as you made your way weakly to the nearest Cafe.

"Hello miss, what can I get for you today?" Her eyes widened as she took a good look at your pale figure "M-ma'am you're as pale as a ghost! Please sit down, I'll call the melusines to take care of you!" She said panicking, "here take some food while you wait." The shopkeeper said as she handed You some bread. You started panicking as you did not want to draw attention to yourself and get caught "HEY YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!" You looked up and the voice belonged to a lady with purple hair, you started panicking knowing who she was, so with the little adrenaline you ran into the shadows and took your secret path home, she eventually lost you so that was good you crawled back into your house through your bedroom window, you quickly ate the bread, you soon found some clothes and began to change as you heard the door unlock you quickly threw on whatever you had when your so called husband opened the door, "(Your name)." you heard your so-called husband say coldly, you turned around to find him standing in the doorway looking at you practically undressing you with his eyes. "Stop looking at me like that... I hate it.." you said as you took a few steps back from the doorway, "Aw can I not do anything with my dear wife?" He said with a sly smile on his face, you fucking hated that smile. "You know this marriage was forced I don't enjoy your so-called love antics, I'm not interested in Any sexual stuff you have to offer," you said while keeping a straight face, you watched as he came closer to you as you tried backing away but eventually your back hit the wall, "don't try me david.. Did you forget I can control electro?" You said as electro radiated off your hands, "bullshit you would never do anything to me and I know it," He said laughing, he grabbed your arm and threw you onto the floor, "now go be fucking useful and make me food." He said with an annoyed look "with what food do you expect me to cook with?" You said rubbing the fresh bruise "of course! Next time do me a favor and starve so I have more food to eat-" He stopped his sentence as a knock on the door was heard, you both stayed in silence as you and him started contemplating whether to go open the door himself or make you do it. He sighed in annoyance as he went to open the door. When he opened the door his eyes met with bright purple ones, "Miss clorinde!" He said surprised and nervous. "Hello, Sir (Your last name) that's your name right?" She said looking at him with a straight face "Ah yes! Why are you here, may I ask?" He said nervously. "For a lady named (Your name)." She said as she tilted her head trying to look at the inside of the house. "Would you please let me in?" She said with a bit of a disgusted look seeing the condition of the home. "Of course of course! Come in!" He said moving out the way so she could come in. "Tea?" He said beginning to sweat. "No need. I'm here to see (Your name) afterall." She said unamused "ah of course." He said as he went to the bedroom and covered your body in clothes to cover the bruises. "Here she is!" He said holding your shoulders. You shuddered under his touch. Clorinde took note of it. "She is in poor condition is she not? She should be taken to a hospital seeing that she is deathly pale." Clorinde said "haha no need we went recently, the doctor said it's just a cold!" He said as he tightened the hold on you. "If you insist I must get going now." Clorinde said as she walked to the door and left. You watched in despair as she left without even sparing you a second glance. You watched as your husband shut the door and locked it. "good acting dear." He said as grabbed your hip only for you to push him away you both soon went to bed.

Meanwhile with Clorinde.

Clorinde rushed to get to Neuvilettes office to apply for a warrant to search your house. She soon made it and put in a request for one. She soon went to the fortress of meropide. She slammed open the door as she made eye contact with Wriothesley, "Hey the doors!-""not the time Wriothesley." she said, rolling her eyes "l'll have to try your milkshakes another time sigewinne put them away for now," Wriothesley said facing a sad sigewinne, she soon left the room with the milkshakes. "So what's got you all riled up?" Wriothesley said with an amused look on his face. "You should probably sit down for this." Clorinde said with a serious look on her face. "I've heard it all, no need." Wriothesley said with a straight face.

"I've found her."

➳༻❀ ☕ ❀༺➳ End of chapter 1 ➳༻❀ ☕ ❀༺➳

♡𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒹𝓊𝓀𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒹𝓊𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈𝓈♡ Wriothesley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now