Chapter 26:

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The weeks flew by as Ginny enjoyed living with Harry at Potter Manor. They occasionally visited Sirius and Remus as 12 Grimmauld Place as well as visiting Snape and the rest of the teachers at Hogwarts.

During the summer, Harry was actually able to create a potion that would permanently remove Snape's dark mark. Snape was overjoyed and hugged Harry, which actually surprised him. "Hey Gin," Harry said one morning. "Did you know Dumbledore sent a letter to Sirius?"

"He did?" Ginny asked. "What did it say?"

"He was asking if he could use 12 Grimmaul Place as headquarters for the order of the phoenix," Harry said. "Sirius agreed so he can keep an eye on them," Ginny grinned. "That's pretty smart," she said. 

"Just like you," Harry replied. Ginny responded by kissing her husband passionately. "Also your family is moving in as well to keep them safe from Voldemort,"

"How about we pay them a visit?" Ginny asked. "That's my girl," Harry grinned. He and Ginny then teleported to Grimmauld Place...

In 12 Grimmauld Place, the twins had just entered followed by Molly, Arthur and Ron. "Go to the kitchen," Molly ordered. The twins did so with everyone else following behind. "Looks like we won't be lonely this summer," George said.

"What do you mean?" Molly asked. It was then she noticed Ginny and Sirius sitting at the table while Harry was in the kitchen cooking some lunch. "What are you doing here!?" Ron demanded. "Be quiet Weasley," Harry said. "This is my godfather's house and while you are here, you will show us the proper respect,"

"Shut up Potter," Ron said. "Dumbledore is letting us use this house,"

"Only because I allowed it!" Sirius roared. "Listen to the rules or you will be kicked out, understood?"

"Yes sir," Ron said, nodding. 

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