Chapter 16:

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Soon it was the start of fourth year and Harry was sitting in his usual compartment with Ginny, Neville and the twins. Harry had also made sure to put up several privacy charms to keep unwanted visitors from coming in. 

Once they arrived at the castle, Harry ran into another one of his friends. "Hey Daphne," Harry said. Harry and Daphne Greengrass had secretly been friends since first year and Harry had grown rather fond of her. Harry and Daphne had also gotten to the point where they regarded each other as siblings.

"Hey Harry," Daphne smiled and hugged him. "How was your summer?"

"It was great," Harry said. "I got to spend time with my girlfriend and I also finished all my homework," 

"That's nice," Daphne said. "See you later," Daphne walked off and Harry and Ginny entered the great hall. Dumbledore then announced that the Triwizard tournament would be held at Hogwarts that year and that Bauxbatons and Durmstrang, two other wizarding schools, would be coming in October.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Harry muttered. "About what?" Ginny asked. "About the tournament," Harry replied. "I probably will be entered against my will,"

"Well if you do, I will support you. I always have," Ginny said. Harry smiled and kissed his girlfriend. Later that night, Harry had a meeting with the heads of house. Dumbledore was not there as Harry didn't trust him. Professor Moody was also not there as Harry suspected he was an imposter.

"What is it Potter?" McGonagall asked. "Moody isn't the real Moody," Harry said. "He's actually Barty Crouch Jr who is a death eater. He is going to enter me in the tournament and turn the cup into a portkey to a graveyard,"

"A graveyard?" Flitwick asked. "For what?" 

"To revive Voldemort," Harry said. "Voldemort will then try to use me in a ritual to get himself a new body," the teachers gasped. "Is there anything we can do?" Professor Sprout asked. Harry shook his head.

"I'm going to play along for now as I have the power to defeat both Dumbledore and Voldemort in magical combat," McGonagall nodded. "Well you have my full support Potter," she said. The other teachers agreed and Harry and Ginny left for the common room.

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