Chapter 22:

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Ginny couldn't sleep that night. Not only did Harry rescue her, but he did it in style. He had also promised that they would get married the next day. She was overjoyed. The next morning, she went down into the common room and kissed Harry.

Today was a Saturday so they decided to get married in the Room of Requirement right after Lunch. Even though it was last minute, All of the teachers (except for Dumbledore and fake Moody) were invited as well as Fred, George and Neville as Harry's groomsmen. Fleur and Daphne were Ginny's maids of honor.

Other people that were invited were Cedric Diggory, Victor Krum, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, all 50 of Harry's house elves and Harry's third cousin, Nymphadora Tonks. "Wotcher Harry," Tonks said upon entering the room. "I can't wait for my wedding," she snuck a glance towards her boyfriend, Remus.

"Are we ready?" Harry asked as he stood on the altar. "We are master Harry," Stink, Harry's main house elf, said. Soon, Ginny could be seen coming down the aisle escorted by Percy Weasley. "Take good care of her Harry," Percy said. Harry nodded.

He then turned to face Ginny, his hands in hers. "I, Harrison James Potter, Lord of the ancient and noble houses of Potter and Peverell, do confess my true, undying love for Ginevra Molly Weasley, to protect and cherish her until the end of my days,"

Ginny was crying happy tears. "I, Ginevra Molly Weasley, Heiress to the noble houses of Weasley and Prewett, do confess my true, undying love for Harrison James Potter, to protect and cherish him until the end of my days,"

A bright light engulfed the two teens as they kissed. "I love you Gin," Harry said. "I love you too Harry," Ginny replied. The audience began standing and applauding. Congratualtions were given, backs were patted and many bones were crushed during intense hugs.

"I can't believe it," Sirius said with tears in his eyes. "My little cub is all grown up. Lily and James would be proud," Soon, everyone left except for Ginny and Harry. 'God she's beautiful,' Harry thought as he hugged Ginny again.

"Thank you," Ginny said. "For what?" Harry asked. "You called me beautiful, didn't you?" Ginny replied. "I didn't say it out loud," Harry said. "The bond!" Ginny gasped. "We can hear each other's thoughts,"

'Awesome, ain't it?' Harry grinned. 'This is going to take some getting used to,' Ginny telepathically laughed. "Now, where were we?" Harry spoke out loud. "Oh, yeah," He pulled Ginny into a passionate kiss, which she of course returned. 

The next day, the two returned to the common room. The two could literally feel how happy the other one was. Once they entered, they were met by Ron. Fortunately, the rest of the Gryffindor students weren't there. 

"Where were you two?" Ron demanded. "How come you aren't in class?" Harry asked back. "You two were missing for the entire afternoon and evening yesterday," Ron said. "Besides, I can miss one of Binn's boring lectures,"

"Oh, it must be so hard to do your own homework now that Granger is dead," Harry said. "Fuck off Potter," Ron said, storming out of the room. 'Would you like to live with me after the school year ends?' Harry asked Ginny telepathically.

'Yes!' Ginny replied, giving her husband a kiss on the lips. "I love you Harry," Harry smiled and kissed back. "I love you too Gin,"

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