A Small Problem

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Owen was still unconscious, and Apo started to worry about him. And yes, this man may have killed him, but he still sees him as his friend.

Owen was lying in his bed when Apo saw it happen, Owen's body slowly started to shrink, most of his scars were getting removed from his body. His clothes were getting too big for his body, his demon features got smaller too, more suitable for his body's age.

"Owen?" Apo carefully asks, still nothing...

Until, he hears Owen making small little growls. And his eyes slowly opened, Apo quickly made himself invisible, and he saw the soldier wake up...

"Uhh... what happened..." Owen mutters, his voice was different, it sounded so much younger. He sees Owen's eyes widened by the sound of his own voice, "What...?! Is that my voice!!" Owen panics and tries to get out of his bed, only for him to trip because of his clothes that were too big for his body.

"No no no," Owen thinks when he sees his clothes and hits the floor, "Did they get bigger? Or- no that's not possible," He crawls over to the mirror, and looks at himself.

He is hit with a familiar face but from way too long ago, he looks like how he did when he was fifteen...

His eyes were a mix of brown and orange, his hair was slightly shorter,

And then his horns, they looked....like they belonged there on his body, his tail was stuck under his oversized shirt.

"I'm fifteen again..." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry," Apo says out of nowhere.

"Apo? What do you mean?" Owen asks surprisingly nicely,

"I figured out what the crossed-out text says," Apo started saying. "What." Owen tries to say demanding, only for it to sound like a question. Apo hands Owen the paper,

The crossed-out text has been fixed now and it says (and it will turn the person that has been turned back in age at least ten years)

"That's what it said?!" Owen shouted, a growl escaping his mouth, but Apo noticed, he didn't even care, "How do those even have anything to do with each other?!" Owen yells, trying to roll up his pants sleeves, to no avail. "Apo, get me some scissors. Now."

"I don't think I trust you with anything sharp right now..." Apo admits.

"What, it's not like I'm some child-" Owen starts to protest before realizing what he's saying. "Agh, I just want to cut the bottom of these pants off so I don't trip over them again..."

"Okay, let me do it..." Apo cuts off the excess cloth on Owen's pants and shirt, being careful not to cut Owen.

When he was done, it didn't look the best but it was functional again, Owen got up from the floor, his tail swinging happily from being freed from under his shirt.

"Thanks.." Owen says quietly.

Owen walks over to the mirror this time and inspects his younger body. He had small freckles, all his scars were gone, his fingers were tipped black with small claws, and his body was a lot smaller. He remembered he started growing a lot when he was nineteen, but before that, he was pretty small.

Owen slowly started to make his way over to Puddy, and sat down next to him, he carefully started petting him, not wanting to hurt him with his claws.

Puddy sniffs his hand and quickly accepts Owen's pets. Puddy goes to lie down next to him and rolls on his back so Owen could pet their stomach, Owen does exactly that, and Puddy is happy, happy his owner is back to loving him.

"He is adorable," Apo says, and he goes to sit next to Owen.

"I can't believe I was thinking about killing him..." Owen mutters,

"You were?! Oh my gosh, I'm glad I acted when I did," Apo shouts.

"So you're stuck to my soul..." Owen starts carefully, Apo looks at him, "Kinda, yeah... Listen, it was the only way to stop you!" Apo argued, "Woah, calm down, you did the right thing... Apo," Owen replied.

"Wait- you agree with me? Wasn't it only like five minutes ago when you hated my guts?" Apo says, in shock

"Let's just say, I learned something about my past... I was always a demon." Owen stammered those last words, now looking back at him was a completely shocked Apo.
"Wait, WHAT?! You looked pretty human to me. Also, why would you be sent out to hunt demons if you were one yourself? Isn't that a little... hypocritical?"

"Well, I was only about 15% demon, and my father cut off all of my demon features before I could remember they were there," Owen explained, he looked down at his feet feeling guilty for what he had done.

"And... you only discovered this now?"

"Well, when I was unconscious, I kinda was in some weird realm with my mother, she told me the truth about who I really was." Owen really wanted to still be with her instead of being back in the world he damaged so much.
"...How is that possible? Isn't she... dead?" Apo asks

"Well yeah, she is... I don't really know how it happened. I mean, you're dead, and I can talk to you because of the curse... maybe it has something to do with that?" Owen wonders.

"It might. I also don't really know everything this curse does, to be honest. Owen, I didn't even think you would be able to hear me or see me," Apo stated.

"Listen apo I'm so so-" Owen gets cut off by loud banging on the door followed by "Owen! Are you okay?" Magic's voice came from the other side of the door.

Owen just looked up at apo who had disappeared again, Great. he couldn't answer because his voice sounded way too young, so Owen just stayed quiet. "Owen! I'm coming in if you don't answer right NOW!"




"Shit!" Owen muttered, when the door slams open, and the light Shines on him.

(yes I'm not dead surprise, was kinda stuck for a while but im back now and hopefully i be able to upload more :)

big thanks to storm for helping me with writing and coming up with ideas when i was stuck..)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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