Dining In?

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tw: violence / mention of cannibalism/ torture, verbally demanding/mean Astarion

Breakfast time had became my favorite meal of the day. It was when the blood was the freshest, the warmest. Between the two of us we’d go through about 3 people a day. I wasn’t going to do the math, I couldn’t, it was better not to know, right? To not have such a heavy conscience at times like this, otherwise meals would become dreaded. I never asked where the people came from, I never wanted to know, he just assured me they wouldn’t be missed. No friends, no family, nobody to look for them. I never asked. Until today, he told me of the man’s background, who knows if it was true or not, I think he just wanted to get a rise out of me.

“Thomas taste amazing, doesn’t he? If only his wife could see us. Do you think she would cry, or would she be relieved? I mean the poor man was a farmer, its not like he was bringing much to the table anyway. Right, dear? “ he said casually like he was just talking about the weather.

I blocked out the imagine from my head, faked a small smile and gave him a simple “Right, Dear” back, before taking another sip. I wouldn’t want to upset him. He played occasional mind games, I think to see what he could get away with, to see if my old self would pop through, and tell him it was wrong, and that didn’t want to know about poor, dear, old Thomas, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t appear weak, so I bit my tongue. That was the end of the table talk for the morning.

“ Come along, I have a gift for you”, he grabbed my hand after breakfast and escorted me to the foyer. He presented me with a silver box, wearing a silver ribbon and gestured for me to open it.

I undone the ribbon and slowly opened the box. My amethyst I chose, in all its glory, made beautifully into the necklace, it was just as we discussed, even more beautiful in person. My cheeks would be ridden with blush if I wasn’t an undead. I smiled with gratitude before Astarion had spun me around

“Allow me, darling.” He lovingly said while softly putting the necklace on me and adjusting it to sit just along my collarbones.” I wish you could see yourself, you look absolutely delicious” he stated while pushing a strand of hair behind my ear and planting a kiss upon my lips.

“Give me a taste then, describe how my blood makes you feel” I said with my hands on his gold and black padded jacket that he looked amazing in.


Before I knew it, he was indulging me, slowly, tasting me, flashing me his bloodied fangs. He told me to taste, for myself, kissing me with his tongue, my blood slowly rolling off into my mouth. I could feel my eyes grow wider. I was, in fact delicious.

“See? I would never lie to you. Come. Your servant will make you presentable, we are having company for lunch” he winked at me.

“And ta-da! You’re finished, Miss. Shall I walk you to Lord Ancunin? “

“That won’t be necessary, thank you Veronica” I nodded to her letting her know it was okay to take off on my account.

“Very well. They are in the dining room”. I smiled at her before taking off.

I walk into the dining room and I seen what I never thought I would in a million years. Duke Ravengard was bound with rope. Laying along the length of the table with an apple in his mouth- how original of him. Fear was written all over his face.

“ My Dear. It isn’t nice to keep company waiting, our food is getting bored. I’ll allow you the first bite my sweet.” Astarion cheekily said to me, licking his lips in anticipation.

“Why?! He’s the father of our good friend, Wyll, or have you forgotten? Why even rescue him from Moonrise Towers? The Absolut could of given him a more civil death! He could protect us, he could be an ally! We aren’t monsters, not to this degree” I dare raised my voice.

“Oh ? You don’t think I thought this through, you think I’m just willy-nilly killing people of importance? This may come as a surprise but I’m not stupid! He followed where the source of our… food comes from, followed the delivery people to OUR home. Sworn to the security guards that we “ had an important meeting”. As if! He would have had all of Baldur’s Gate with pitchforks at our front door. Is that what you want? No sense of security ? Do you think that little of me that I would just betray a friend for a quick bite? Gods woman!” he spat between us.

“And I’m glad to know you view me as a monster. You are no better you know. Now EAT!” he snarled at me, with a murderous look in his eye, like he would of torn me limb to limb if I didn’t abide by what he said

My eyes wanted to water but I couldn’t let him see. I didn’t want him knowing how much power he had over me. I didn’t want for him to have a reason to compel me. I went to get up and bring my mouth down to his neck.

“Ladies eat with a knife and fork darling. Cut.” He demanded

“ Im not a cannibal!” I stated

“ You aren’t going to actually eat him, you are going to torture him, don’t be silly. Not until you’re done. Oh, maid!” he yelled

“Yes, my Lord? How can I be of service?” she bowed at him

“Place a couple buckets under the table. Now!” he sneered at her.

Astarion looked back at me, gritting his teeth, I immediately began cutting and pretending like his screams wouldn’t haunt me for days on end. His blood was pooling into the buckets, and the smell alone could of drove me insane. It smelled exquisite and I could tell my lover agreed, leaning forward to inhale its aroma. Ten minutes later or maybe it was a hundred, the screams stopped.

After the body stopped dripping the maid ran and hurriedly placed the buckets on the table for us. I’d never lusted over blood so much in my life. I felt like I was no better than Orin. I poured some of it in with my goblet of wine and chugged it.

“ Why is her goblet empty? You should be pouring her another the moment the last sip hits her throat!” He yelled at Veronica

“Yes, Lord.” She ran to the table to fill me up another.

I couldn’t even get upset at him. I was so inlove with the Duke’s blood, so fresh, so aromatic, so velvety.

“ My love… is it always this delicious?” I said embarrased

“When they’re royal and you know they’ll be truly missed, they taste the best. I’ll forgive you for our little…. transgression earlier. I wouldn’t want to ruin your euphoric state” he smiled at me then began to start a toast to me

“To us. Your stuff will be moved into my quarters. I know I can truly trust you now, my dear. We are one the same”

I nodded to him while taking my last couple sips. I had never been so terrified of myself in my entire life.

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