The Temple

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Travelling around the Sky Faction takes forever without wind abilities. Most of the Faction can fly around, manipulating the air to carry them like a feather in the wind. Using my telekinesis to do this is rather difficult, as it requires focus on my own particles rather than ones outside of myself. I find that it's safer to walk if I can, but I still practice my own version of flight when it's suitable. Today is not one of those days. There's a strong wind blowing up the cliffside today, so I think I'll take my chances and climb.

Once I reach the remnants of the bridge, I join the line to ride on the gondola to the top of the mountain. It's short, not many people come this way unless they are travelling from Safe Haven. The gondola is powered by a government employee who has wind abilities. He eyes me warily as I get on, having bad luck up in the air isn't ideal. I smile at him tentatively, then put my attention towards the window.

The Sky Faction is the entirety of the North Western peninsula, and the connection to the mainland seems to get slimmer and slimmer each year as the ocean erodes the beaches. I know the ravine isn't at sea level and is at a good 200 feet or so above it, so there's no worries now, but I bet eventually the Sky Faction will be an island. I wonder if I'll live to see it?

Out the window, green conifer trees blur from the speed we're moving at. I can see the houses that dot along the sides of the mountain, which are the homes for government and military guild employees, but it's too quick to make out much detail, even with my sight. The main government buildings are at the summit- that's where the citizens can go to town hall, vote, be tested for their gifts, participate in the census... all the boring things that come along with government run events. The main event building can also be rented for private parties, but the only other exciting things that happen there are the guild balls and receptions. I don't usually go, but the ruckus they make reaches us down in Safe Haven.

As the gondola slows to a stop, I step out onto the snow covered summit. The next gondola down the opposite side of the mountain is my favorite. In the distance you can see the ocean, the merchant ships, the farmlands, basically everything beautiful about the Sky Faction. You'd never know it was there because the mountain is so big. I smiled widely as I stepped on, watching the wind user work their gift into the propeller as we soared down the line.

The other citizens on the gondola gave me a wide berth, but I doubt even one of them knows my name. All I look like to them is a Chaos Faction member, not the girl who grew up here. Not the girl whose father, a decorated general, died fighting for this Faction. Anger threatened to consume me, but I would only be meeting their expectations. I give them a friendly smile and nod as I step out of the gondola, heading towards the temple.

Our temple is made of white stone and black slated roofing. There were three tall spires adorning the front of it, with colored glass windows designed to look like the Sky God. I don't believe in the gods, but I do love this building. Inside, there are long, wooden pews with intricate designs carved into them. The front of the church had risers where the singers from the entertainment guild sang beautiful tunes, with floating candles spread throughout the building. The sun shone through the colored glass, leaving rainbows to dance along the walls. If the gods were real, this place would definitely be their home.

The preacher entered through the side door, and the church hushed to silence. The steps up to his podium echoed through the chamber as he took us all in with a kind expression. 

"Welcome, Brothers and Sisters of Cyatind," He says warmly, arms outstretched. 

"The third day of the War between Gods and Man brought about the destruction of our society - The Fall. The city ruins you find scattered along our continent are testimony to the brutality, and sin, of mankind," He looks to us with a grave expression as the priests close the doors to the church. 

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