Reception- KAYA POV

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Of course it's fucking Ronan that befriended Sai and Deirdre. I didn't believe it when they wrote their letters to me, trying to remain in blissful ignorance. Now that wasn't an option as I stared at what might as well be my own personal devil.

The worst part? The military training has turned him hot. His boyish features are gone- he came back chiseled, with a sharp jawline and eyes to match. He's got the typical features of someone in the Sky Faction, blonde hair and blue eyes, but he isn't as pristine, if that makes sense. His hands are calloused from years of work, and he's got a bit of a tan from the many years he's spent working outside. His biceps are so defined I want to accuse him of using paint from the market, but that would mean admitting that I'd been staring enough to notice his biceps (and I managed to analyze his hands so.. Definitely staring). He has scars that give him an edgy vibe and if I had less self respect for myself I'd be climbing him like I climb the cliff side. The thought of his hands-

No, Kaya. You are not that girl. You do not chase.

Resolve brimming in my chest, I take another pull of ale and check out the scene around me, meeting Sai's inquisitive stare.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, " Sai winked.

I smile sheepishly and am about to apologize for taking a mental escape from the reception, but Deirdre is dragging me toward the dance floor.

"Less talky more dancey," she commands. I snag onto Sai's hand to bring him with me. Deirdre drunk? There are two ways tonight ends- skinny dipping in the ocean OR cleaning her puke off the floor.

Sai laughs as we all collide together with Deirdre's sudden stop in the area she deems good enough to dance in. I don't know how she picks it, but we always end up in the spot where the music reverberates through the room the most, sending the most vibrations through our ears and stomachs.

The band from the entertainment guild is playing an upbeat song with guitars, drums and heavy bass. I take a pull from my ale and let the music flow through me, my hips finding the rhythm with ease. The lights are dimmed to almost nothing with multicolored fairy lights starting to dance around the space. Deirdre comes behind me and grabs my waist, moving with me. Her breath tickles my neck as she rests her chin on my shoulder.

"We missed you every day, Kaya. I can't tell you how relieved we both are to be back, not just for our families. You make us whole," she says, slurring the last couple words.

"Don't get sappy on me, Deirdre. You just missed my beautiful looks and my dry humor," I giggled.

She turned me around to face her, "I am never fucking sappy," she giggled, and with that, she let me go, jumping around while flailing her arms wildly. Deirdre sucks at dancing.

Sai's hands wrap around me, as he sways us to our own rhythm. He also sucks at dancing.

"She's right. We missed you more than we could ever say," he mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you both, too. Not having you around was like only being able to breathe out of one lung. Difficult. Never fulfilling," I said just loudly enough to reach him over the music.

I know I sound desperate. I can't help it.

He looked at me quizzically and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a tap on my shoulder.

"Mind if I cut in?" Ronan's deep voice erupts from behind me.

Shocked, I take Ronan in as close as he is. He smells like fresh pine and mountain air. His shirt hugs him just enough that I can see the outline of his chest and wonder what it would be like to press against it. I look down his chest to his waist, to his buldge that protrudes just enough to know he's packing, down the rest of his legs. Finally I glance up to his lips, and then his eyes to find he's already looking down on me, smirking.

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