Francis, The Bar Keep

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25 years in the past

Sounds of screaming echo through the hallways of the Chaos Faction prison. I feel a twinge in my chest as the sound abruptly stops.

A stench hits my nose that isn't the constant sweat and must, but someone's peed themselves in fear. I'm just glad it wasn't feces this time.

I don't know how long it's been since I got here, there's no window for light to shine through, and the guards change at sporadic timings. Food is provided sometimes when I feel like I've just eaten, and sometimes when I feel like I'm on the brink of starvation. Chaos is careful, and I haven't gotten the lay of the schedule yet- I think that's the purpose.

All I know is when people leave their cell, they usually don't come back. I'm waiting for the day my door is opened. Waiting.

Hours of staring into nothing. I long for death.

I didn't notice the guard open my door. Didn't feel them lift me up. Was I sleeping? All I know is that now I'm blinking into awareness, and there is an angel in front of me.

Young, tan skin is framed by black curly hair. Her eyes are purple, her arms are folded as she sits across me at a metal table. I see her lips moving. Is she speaking?

"Are you listening?" she snaps. She turns toward a guard by the door and snaps at him. The buzzing in my head stops and my eyes seem to refocus.

"There you are," she smiles.

"Who are you?" I croak, my first words in... I don't know how long.

"I am your friend. I'm here to help you- but I need something in return."

"Anything. I'll do anything just name it," I plead.

"Good, I'm glad you're so agreeable. This will be easy if you just answer a few questions," She rises and steps around the table, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. She nods to the guard by the door, and they take their exit.

Suddenly, she is clutching me by the shoulders, turning me to face her. Fear strikes my heart.

"Listen to me," she hisses a whisper, "I have about five minutes to explain everything and I need you to not interrupt. Nod if you understand."

I nod.

"Good. We are in the Chaos Faction torture room. I am the one assigned to extract information from you. In exactly five hours, I need you to help me gather everyone from the cells. The guards will be incapacitated, but we will only have about twenty minutes to get everyone from here in the prison through the tunnel to outside the wall. Can you help me?"

I nod again. My brain is still foggy- I can't tell if it's the aftereffects of a dimming gift or if it's just the malnutrition but I know this is my only chance. I have to focus.

"Good. We are going to make the journey back to the Sky Faction with Sauvi, your war general. We will need to be quick, so save your strength after you leave this room." The woman says, lifting an eyebrow and giving me an up-and-down that says you're in terrible shape. 

I nod again. Disbelief coursed through me even though Sauvi has had my back more times than I can count. I had thought he'd died in the attack, but no, his sorry ass is here with me. A shaky sigh of relief escapes my lips, and my body starts to tremble despite my mental protests

She rips me away from my thoughts, distracting me. "What is your name?" 

"Francis." I barely choke it out. My voice is so hoarse.

"Francis, I'm sorry to say but I can't let you go back to your cell without inflicting a bit of pain. This has to be believable - I can't risk this going sideways. I'm going to use my gift on you, but I'm going to make it strong enough so you pass out as quickly as I can.. It's the only way to avoid suspicion, and the only way to get you back to the cell without you being killed. If you pass out, I can tell them that I took the pain too far and there still might be more information so they won't dispatch you. I'm sorry, but it has to be this way. Can you please be strong for me?" She whispers the last bit, searching my eyes for any sign of acknowledgement.

She's searching for some sort of confirmation. An agreement. She won't hurt me if I don't agree, but it puts the entire operation at risk. Her respect for my choices brings me great admiration for this woman- my savior. 

"I can be strong. Before you do it, will you please tell me your name?" My voice cracks, betraying my fear.

She smiles sadly at me, "I am Heidi. I promise you, Francis, I will be swift."

I nod. She touches my shoulder.

There are needles on me, needles everywhere, puncturing my skin and sawing me in half, I look down expecting to see pieces of flesh falling off my bones but instead I see the floor approaching me faster than I could ever react.

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