8 ⧗ 0:51:56 - 1:01:40⧗

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It cuts to Yelena and Natasha walking into a clearing. "I said we needed a jet," Natasha says. It shows a helicopter with the Russian words: СОЛОВЬЁВ ЭЙР written on the side.

The Avengers started laughing, "That's gonna help you get away," laughed Tony.

"I am so screwed," complained Alexei.

"Hey! Be glad I am actually trying to get you out!" snapped Natasha, Alexei put his hands up in faux surrender.

"I am just saying, I would be surprised if that even made it to the Seventh Circle Prison. I would rather you found Melina. She knows more than I do," Natasha and Yelena were watching him as he spoke, saw the emotion behind his eyes that he either couldn't or couldn't be bothered to hide. "I would hate for you two to break down near the prison and be hurt,"

"We can take care of ourselves," Yelena said firmly.

"But thank you for the concern," added Natasha with a slight elbow to her sister. Yelena's hummed in agreement.

"Hey, what does it say on the jet?" asked Sam just as they were about to press play.

"Solovyov Air," Natasha answered.

Rick hops out the helicopter. "Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? Time. Or money. I'm not made of jets," he comments sarcastically.

Natasha nodded, "Okay. I'll give him that," she said begrudgingly, with Alexei agreeing.

"I thought you were supposed to be the best?" Yelena asks teasingly. "Like a real pro,"

"Oh I beg your pardon Tsarina.

"That is now your nickname. You have been christened," Tony said with a clap. Yelena glared at him.

"So you have nicknames for everyone?" she almost growled.

"Yea. Capsicle. Legolas/Katniss. Natashalie — because when we first met she said her name was Natalie. Point Break. Jolly Green. Your boyfriend is now christened Manchurian Candidate. Pirate. I can think of a thousand nicknames for Pep. Rhodes... platypus... I have loads for him too but they aren't as sweet as Peppers—"

"I really don't care," Yelena interrupted with a hand up. She had a scowl on. "Like... I would rather be stung by bees," she added.

"Yeah, ok! I get it," Tony grumbled.

Was the free flat and lifetime supply of Kissel

"Ooh that's nice," Natasha said.

"It really is. I remember... did me and you used to sneak off sometimes on a mission and get some? I can't- I can't remember exactly. But- but I know they are nice," Bucky said.

Natasha nodded. "Yep. We only did it once or twice over the years because we weren't us the majority of the time. But we did..." there was a look in her eye but she decided she didn't want to turn the mood by adding that they found out one time and beat up to an inch of her life before putting a babysitter with her for her missions for the next 5 years.

not to your liking?" Rick asks.

"Ha," Yelena replies in monotone with a quick fake grin.

"Don't let her wind you up," big sister Natasha says, sounding fed up.

"That is such a sibling thing to say," laughed Sam.

"No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism," Rick says.

"Big words," complained Alexei.

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