UA acceptance / Quirk apprehension: Part 2

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(Authors note): I really appreciate you all, Especially unluckyperson3 for the votes and thank you for even clicking on the story, Before I start writing for a hour I wanna explain further on how "merge" works. For example if I were to merge manipulation with another one it will boost it's powers but still keeping properties of telekinesis flight AND manipulation etc. Hope you enjoy :D


I still have a few hours so I'm going to do these quest's before it's dark outside so I can get even better. I have daily quests, weekly, monthly and life? What's life's reward? Hmmmm, Defeat all for one, Who the heck is all for one. Welp since I don't know who he is can't do that. It say's defeat so he must be a villain or some sort, I'm sure ill meet him in the future.

The first part of the daily quest is running, RUN 10 MILES?!?! BUT THAT'S LIKE A HOURS WORTH OF RUNNING I shout, Unknowing of the blond buff dude watching me from far away. Welp better get a head start, I said as I start jogging around the beach so I don't expend all of my energy at once.

OH... MY... *COUGH* GOD... *COUGH* IM... *COUGH* EXAUHSTED I say coughing and panting from running god's usual workout. Thankfully I keep a water in my backpack, I hastily grab it and chug almost the whole thing. Relieved I look down to see a really huge buff dude hiding behind a pole, What the hell? I think as he panics and hides behind the nearest building. (Izuku didn't see that it was all might because they were really far apart from each other) 

The next part is simple exercises, That's easy I say after reading how many I have to do. 1000 pushups, 500 sit-ups and 750 squats. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS! I scream knowing that I am going to die after doing this workout. I need the shards though so I have to persevere, I mumble. After I finished all of my workouts ultimately dying on the ground my quests goes off saying would I like to accept my rewards and I managed to mumble out a weak "y-yes". Weirdly after it gave me my 500 shards all my fatigue disappeared.


I wake up to the familiar blaring alarm clock, Man I just wish I could change the alarm instead it making my ears bleed. I get up and throw on my UA uniform way more good looking than aldera. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth splash some water on my face and get ready to go. I grab my bag and hug my mom then I head out the door. I fly over to UA feeling refreshed from the cold breeze hitting my face. Ok this is my first day don't mess this up I think, Just as I thought that I tripped on god knows what AGAIN!! and almost kissed the floor when I saved myself with flight. How did I almost do that again AND IT WAS THE SAME SPOT TO.

 I head through the maze of hallways trying to find the 1A door, On arrival I saw how massive the door was. There has to be people with giant quirks no way they make those the doors on default, I think shivering at the thought of someone that massive in my class. Before my anxiety got the best of me I opened my door to see a blue hair kid fighting a angry Pomeranian. "Oh it's just rip-off sonic" I say a little to loud as everyone looks around at me realizing I said it out loud I ran to a seat and looked out the window.

Anxiety was running through my veins before a yellow caterpillar stood up and unzipped himself to turn out to be a homeless hobo. "It took you guys 5 minutes to shut up, Were going to work on that putting that aside i am your homeroom and hero training teacher Shota Aizawa you will refer to me as Mr. Aizawa". Before rip-off sonic could say anything the hobo spoke again, "Put these on and meet me outside"  He said dumping a bag of many gym clothes for boy's and girls. "But sir what about the orientation?" A red head said, "You guy's don't need useless information like that, Now hurry up." He said.

After finding out where the locker room was, I changed ignoring the stares and headed outside. I waited for the others before everyone was finally outside. "Midoriya what was your farthest throw in school" I respond with "23 meters". "Here take this ball and step in that circle, Throw as far as you can using any type of method quirk included." He told me directing me towards the circle. "I have to give it my all" I mumble as I wind back in a pitcher stance. I use manipulation to make it a pointy like cone shape so it can become a little air resistant. I start spinning it around really REALLY fast with telekinesis and launching it forward with a combination of flight and telekinesis, It makes a sonic boom breaking the sound barrier (If you get the reference I literally love you). 

The Hobo turns around with a tiny bit of a grin on his face showing people my score 7659 meters. Everyone all at once screaming "WWHHAATT?!?!" I let out a giggle because the faces they were making were hilarious. "We will all do a quirk apprehension test today testing your ability, Remember as a teacher I have free reign so I can teach how ever I want" He said with a shit eating grin. "Oh this is gonna be fun!" a pink alien girl screamed. "Oh so risking your life is fun?, You think in hero work getting nearly killed is fun? Because of that remark the last place person is getting expelled. And before anyone says anything about unfairness the world is brimming with unfairness" 

After that lecture we did grip strength test's side jumps and racing. At the end of the day Mineta Minoru got expelled because of his score and because he was a literal pervert, honestly I'm kind of glad. I ended up scoring first, Todoroki scored second and Momo scored 3rd. I'm happy with the results, I think as I continue the day.

Phew even more writing for how long, DANG IVE BEEN WRITING FOR 1 AND HALF AND HOUR. Is it me or is Izuku starting to sound more like Bakugou? Anyways hope you enjoyed and remember to suggestion things for his quirk because I can't think for shit!

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