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At a great distance from the Kingdom of Lixin, the two members of the royal family of the Jinxue Kingdom, along with a group consisting of several bodyguards and servants, were slowly making their way back to their own domain

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At a great distance from the Kingdom of Lixin, the two members of the royal family of the Jinxue Kingdom, along with a group consisting of several bodyguards and servants, were slowly making their way back to their own domain. The servants tirelessly carried the palanquin containing Prince Hua San and King Hua Kang, not daring to stop or complain, even though they were tired from the long journey to that point and the lack of hydration.

The bodyguards were positioned in front, behind, and on the sides of the palanquin, guarding the two royal family members from any danger.

Night was approaching swiftly, and darkness began to engulf the surroundings.

Inside the palanquin, the father and son sat at opposite ends. Both were lost in thought. The silence inside was occasionally broken by the galloping of horses or their neighing.

King Hua Kang was displeased. His initial plan had failed, as the Kingdom of Lixin not only rejected the marriage proposal between his son and the Princess but also allied with the Xianzou Kingdom. Military tensions persisted, and the new King, Zan Cheng, not only continued his father's actions but was also influenced by his mother, Queen Dowager Zan Li.

Hua Kang cared little for his son's obsession. All he wanted was to lay his hands on the piece of land he desired. Then, once his kingdom's army expanded, he would set his grand plan in motion: to conquer kingdom after kingdom until he ruled over all seven. The man whose beard had whitened in recent times and whose body betrayed his age was more ambitious than ever. Of course, he knew that to achieve his goals, he needed to train the army, cover the necessary expenses, and attack the kingdoms one by one swiftly and unexpectedly, so they wouldn't have time to form an alliance to stop him.

And the fact that the kingdoms were at a certain distance from each other gave him the confidence needed for this plan.

But now, how would he obtain that piece of land? He had no allied kingdom from which to borrow military troops to start a war with the Xianzou Kingdom, and even if he were to start a war now, there was a high probability that even if they defeated the enemy troops, the Kingdom of Lixin would offer them assistance. The Jinxue Kingdom's army wouldn't be able to withstand two enemies; the number of soldiers was not enough to wage such a battle.

Therefore, Hua Kang could no longer think of any solution. Every idea he had evaporated gradually as he realized he couldn't stand against two kingdoms simultaneously.

However, his son had thought of another alternative just in case this plan failed, an alternative that Hua Kang didn't quite understand: one that involved the Princess of the Lixin Kingdom.

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