𝟏𝟎 ➙ ❝Stories and lies disguised as truths❞

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"Your Highness, with all due respect, I don't think it's the best idea to use this

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"Your Highness, with all due respect, I don't think it's the best idea to use this... passage," Ming Yue said, swallowing hard and looking towards the black hole that appeared in the grass after the Princess pressed a nearby stone.

But Lin Su couldn't accept a refusal, especially after she had spun half an incense stick in an attempt to find the "key" to activate the passage trap.

Chuckling, she replied, "Don't worry, Ming Yue, I've come this way before! Plus, I know the tunnel very well, even in the dark."

With that said, the Princess leaped into the passage, landing smoothly on the stone surface of the floor. The entire tunnel was built of stone, because if it had been built only of earth – resembling an underground wormhole, there was a possibility that it wouldn't last long in the event of potential disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and so on.

"What are you doing there? Aren't you coming down?" the Princess asked the young man, who swallowed nervously once again.

Ming Yue thought, 'How can she reveal a secret tunnel used in emergencies by the royal family to a stranger like me?'

But Lin Su didn't care about that, as she possessed a very strong character trait, intuition. She didn't know exactly why, but she felt that Ming Yue was trustworthy. That's why she hadn't hesitated to suggest those private training sessions to him, and that's why she also had shown him that tunnel. Most would call this naivety, but there were a few of the Princess's close associates who could attest that this ability of hers was indeed very real.

Finally, under the Princess's insistent gaze, Ming Yue leaped down and landed next to her, then watched as the trap closed above him. But with its closing, darkness was all that surrounded the two young people.

An oppressive silence fell in the tunnel, then suddenly, a few footsteps echoed in front of the young man.

"Your Highness, just wait a moment..." Ming Yue said anxiously, hurrying to keep up with Lin Su.

Lin Su chuckled, "I'm right here, Ming Yue."

Once the Princess spoke those words, her hand reached out towards the direction from which she heard the young man's voice and landed on the piece of fabric of his training attire. Ming Yue's breath stopped abruptly as he realized that what the Princess was touching was his chest.

Lin Su said, "Give me your hand."

Ming Yue complied and raised his hand, "Apologies for my touch, Your Highness."

His hand gently rested over the Princess's hand, but it didn't stay there for long, as the young woman caught his hand in a firm grip.

The texture of Lin Su's hand wasn't smooth, and Ming Yue realized this the moment their palms touched. He knew that both the touch and the warmth emanating from his palm could cause discomfort to the Princess, so it didn't take long for him to release his hand from her grip and instead grasp the smooth portion of the young woman's training attire with his fingers.

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