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Ngaire could barely hear the television passed the sounds of Stamos eating. They were sitting in his office at his desk as he was scoffing down a chocolate coated donut, crumbs falling upon his gray beard. He handed Ngaire the box, who screwed up her face as she shook her head, Stamos's chocolate painted teeth enough to put her off. He shrugged, and took the box back, going in for more despite already having a donut in his hand. They were watching the news, and the anchor said something that caught the attention of both of them.

"In other news," the anchor said. "Six missing tourists have been located within The Dome Sanctuary, two of which have been found dead. Here's an exclusive interview we had with Maximus Paige, founder of The Dome Sanctuary."

The TV flicked from the newsroom to a female reporter standing with the lavishly dressed Maximus Paige They were standing outside the sanctuary, its glittery metallic dome standing behind them. Maximus was wearing a black suit and tie with a neatly trimmed beard to match, and the reporter was wearing dark blue business attire. She lifted the microphone to her lips.

"I'm standing here with Maximus Paige," she said, staring into the camera. "Who has just come forth about the disappearances of six people, all of whom were tourists here at The Dome Sanctuary. Mr Paige, what do you have to say?"

"First of all," Maximus said as the reporter tilted the microphone towards him. "I am absolutely appalled that something like this could happen within these walls. I have taken matters into my own hands and have dealt with the culprit, Sheriff Siphon, and have alerted all families of the six tourists. To the families of the two who tragically passed away, I am extremely apologetic about your losses. I should have been more aware of what was happening within my sanctuary and partially blame myself for what has transpired."

"When you say you dealt with the culprit, what does that mean?"

"Well, as you know The Dome Sanctuary lives by its own rules, meaning I have punished the Sheriff accordingly. He will not be able to do harm to a living soul ever again."

"Very ominous words from Mr Paige," the reporter continued. "Mr Paige, is this at all linked to these riots that have also been reported to have happened within your walls?"

"I do not have much to say about the riots, other than that no, there is no correlation, and that the riots have now ended, and we are working towards the birth of a new Kingdom."

Stamos looked over at Ngaire, who stared back at the TV with a sigh. They both knew that whatever happened in The Dome Sanctuary must have involved Kore and Scabs somehow. The interview with Maximus Paige ended, and a feature about a traveling carnival came on the screen. Piquing Ngaire's interest, she sat forward. Another reporter, an older woman, stood there with a little boy wearing zombie face paint.

"I'm here with the zombie Jonathon," she said. "Jonathon just got an awesome face paint job, what do you think?"

"I like turtles," Jonathan replied nonchalantly.

"Um okay... Unfortunately, not everyone is as enthusiastic about the carnival as young Jonathon here. As you can see, behind me are a number of protestors-"

With a yawn, Stamos turned off the television set.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Ngaire snapped.

Then without so much as a knock, a man with long dark hair wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses walked in. The patch above his jacket pocket read, "SGT. AT ARMS".

"Ah, Kore!" Stamos said gleefully. "I take it you're back from your mission, huh? Where are the kids?"

"They should be here shortly," Kore replied. "Two of them have figured out how to use the turbos on their motorcycles, so they weren't too far behind. As for the other two, I'm sure they'll catch up."

Stamos nodded, and Kore pulled something out of his pocket. It was a tiny metallic jigsaw piece, no pattern nor picture. He placed it down on Stamos's desk, who immediately picked it up and held it towards the light. He tilted his head from left to right, nodding at the same time. He sat forward, his demeanor changing to the utmost seriousness.

"Yep," he said. "This is definitely one of the puzzle pieces to unlocking The Gray. I'm not surprised Maximus had one."

"How many others are there?" Kore asked.

"Hundreds. Maybe thousands," Ngaire butted in. "It's unknown just how many Xero had prepared but he created them as a failsafe for his followers to find should he ever find himself locked in The Gray."

"Why not create something more simple like a key?"

"So that people like us couldn't keep it away from them," Stamos replied. "These pieces are indestructible too, made from some kind of material not even I can break."

Stamos took the jigsaw piece in both hands and tried to bend it but it was no use, the piece wouldn't break in the slightest.

"See? In any case, it's good we have this piece. I'll hold onto it. Good luck to any of his followers who try to take it from me."

As if to interrupt them, a mohawked man wearing a leather jacket with a patch that read "ROAD CAPTAIN" above the chest pocket appeared in the doorway.

"Hey guys," Scabs said. "They're here!"

Stamos looked over at Ngaire. "Well, get ready to meet our guests."