Phone Call

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Winnie didn't last 24 hours at University without calling Augustine.

"Mm, hello?" He asked into the phone sleepily. It was already eleven, who the hell was calling him this late-?

"Auggie, hi!" a cheerful voice chirped through the phone.

"Wh- Winnie? What-"

He laughed. "Can't I just decide to randomly call my best friend? I wanted to tell you about my first day!"

Augustine sighed, a soft smile forming on his face despite himself. "That couldn't wait until morning, huh? Alright, lay it on me."

Winnie went on for about half an hour, with Augustine occasionally chipping in with commentary, before Augustine noticed something... peculiar.

"What about friends?"


"You've talked about your classes a bit. You met any new friends yet?" The other side of the phone went silent. "Win?"

"It's... hard." Fuck . That was his crying voice. "It's- I really wish you were here, Auggie, you made everything so much easier."

Augustine still felt disbelief that Winnie was unable to tell how happy he could make people with just his presence sometimes. "Hey, Win, come on, don't talk like that. You're amazing, any one of them would be lucky to be your friend."


"Winnie. You got this. Yeah?"

He heard a sniffle through the phone. "...Yeah. Yeah, you're right! I've got this! Tomorrow's a fresh new day and I'll rule it!"

Augustine laughed at Winnie's sudden energy. "There's the Win we all know and love."

"...Thanks, Auggie. You always know just what to say."

He let out an amused sigh. "Well, next I'm gonna say goodnight. Because It's midnight. Go the fuck to bed."

"Okay, I will, pinky promise. Night, Auggie."

"Night, Win."

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