Wisdom Teeth

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Augustine refilled the water glass as Winnie laid sprawled out on the sofa, making incoherent noises. He'd been given gas to knock him out during his wisdom teeth removal, and the after effects had been... interesting, to say the least.

"My lip is numb," Winnie whined out loud. "And there's stuff in my mouth."

Augustine sighed. "Just a few more hours Win. Then you can rinse the gunk out and eat, I promise." He received a longer groan in return.


"I know, Win."

"You makin chicken-?"

"No, doctor said you can't have any solid foods yet. Mashed potatoes and soup." Winnie huffed and buried his face into the pillow by his head. "Come on, Win, don't be like that." Winnie refused to bring his head up, ignoring Augustine completely. "Look, I promise we'll have whatever you want once you're better, okay?" Still no response. Augustine frowned. "Win?"

The sound of even breaths drew him to the conclusion that Winnie had somehow fallen asleep and was not, in fact, suffocating from lack of oxygen. Apparently, the effects of the gas hadn't fully worn off yet. Augustine let out a breathy laugh, gently ruffling his fingers through Winnie's hair before leaning down and kissing the top of his head.

"Sleep tight, Win."

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