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SAITO AKIRA GLANCED at Coach Washijo Tanji next to him, feeling a bit confused. The conversation they were having seemed to be about their player named Hayato Yamagata and his alleged mistakes. Saito Akira was struggling to understand what was going on.

Coach Washiji Tanji tried to explain the situation to him. According to him, Hayato had made several mistakes in his role as a libero, and Saito Akira must have noticed it since he was currently occupying the same position as assistant coach.

"It's not always easy to catch mistakes made by one person, but when three people have pointed out the same issue, there must be something wrong,"Washijo Tanji said. "The problem is probably with Walter."

"What do you mean by that coach?" Saito Akira asked, feeling more confused than before.

"I think it's best to wait and see how things play out before getting too concerned," Washijo Tanji replied. "Only time will tell what the issue truly is, and we don't want to jump to conclusions right away."

Saito Akira nodded in agreement, taking in coach Washijo Tanji advice.

He knew that patience was important in situations like this, and it was essential to take a step back and evaluate the situation before taking any drastic measures.

"You're right coach," Saito Akira said. "I'll try to keep that in mind coach thank you for enlightening me I still have a lot to learn."


DESPITE THE OFF COURT  DRAMA, Hayato Yamagata, is frequently present during games, demonstrating his commitment to the team's success.

As Shiratorizawa struggles to overcome Karasuno relentless attacks, the players' confidence begins to falter.

Walter unpredictable spiked may be difficult to defend against, but they are not without their drawbacks.

Ushijima aggressive offense allows him to score on seemingly impossible plays, but Shiratorizawa's defense is too well-rounded to allow his success to continue unchecked.

In order to have any chance of gaining ground, Ushijima must make bold, high-risk decisions, such as attempting to spike the ball through the net to avoid Walter position in the back row.

With the rotation of personnel, Tanaka arrives on the front lines. To counter this, Shiratorizawa must make adjustments to their defense strategy and account for both Ushijima and Tanaka's presence on the court.

The stakes are high, and every play carries the potential for big rewards or disastrous consequences.

It will take quick thinking, skillful coordination, and sheer determination to claim victory.

After blocking the Ushijima spike, Tanaka was in utter shock.

He stared down at his hands in disbelief, unable to believe what had just happened.

Despite the fact that Ushijima's had already spiked the ball hard in the beginning of the game, he was amazed that he had somehow managed to spike it even harder now.

Kageyama echoed Tanaka's thoughts from the sidelines, mutterings in disbelief,

"He's going to start heating up!" They had both witnessed Ushijima's relentless attacks and had come to the realization that he was about to enter a state of high performance, which was a dangerous sign for their team.

Little did they know that Ushijima's was starting to feel a sense of pressure as well. From the very beginning of the game, Karasuno Walter had been continuously squeezing his offensive space, making him feel as if he was being suffocated by the pressure.

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