Chapter one: the people's Princess

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Growing up, we're supposed to think the Fire Nation is strong and unbreakable. That its people are generous enough to share their gifts with the rest of the world. And most importantly, it's led by the strongest family of them all, the royal family. The Firelord leads beside his queen, the children representing the future generations that'll take over in upcoming years.

All of it is wrong. Growing up in the palace was amazing. My father, Firelord Ozai was a good dad. At least that's what my mom, Princess Ursa told me. They were stuck in an arranged marriage but they seemed happy, they seemed in love. Until my father saw FireLord Azulon getting older and time running out on the throne. Greed and envy guided him to seek the throne and the night my grandfather died, so did my mother and any hint of the father I knew. My name is Desme, crown princess and future Firelord of the royal family. And I hate my country.

To be more clear, I love my people, the children running around enjoying life (mostly in the colonies), and the parents who seemed truly in love. I love their pride. But the thing I hated, that I couldn't stand about my nation was the war they waged on the world. We slaughtered the entire population of air nomads for the selfish reason of killing the avatar. No one in the outter fire nation knew that, even some of the political leaders didn't. The only reason I knew is due to the three-story library that was at the end of the west wing of the palace. I spent hours there.

"Essie! Come on, I want to play." My little brother, Zuko, tugged on my arm as I held one of the history books. I was 9 but I could make out most of the words, a few I had to guess on.

"Not now Zuzu! Go play with Azula!" I shouted, trying to focus back on the words.

"She's mean. I want to play with you! Why do you even like reading that? Our teachers already taught us about the war with the air nomads." Yeah, the same ones that spread propaganda by saying the air nomads had an army. It couldn't have been farther from the truth.

"Zuko, leave me alone!" I shot a tiny stream of fire towards his feet, making sure not to hurt him. I loved my brother, we were practically best friends. But, when I was reading, that was the time I wanted away from the world, from everything.

I shook my head and focused back on the general in front of me. I had reached the age of 14, meaning that I was finally starting my training to become a war commander and future Firelord. It made my stomach turn as I thought about having to lead a battalion to hurt or kill anybody. I promised myself, that as soon as I was Firelord, this war would end. For good.

"Princess Desme, did you hear what I said?" General Zio questioned, standing by painting with a war maneuver. I glanced at it. It was a relatively simple one. Our company would be divided into three parts. The weakness in the center and the strongest, mostly benders, flank from the left and right as the center group wore out the opponents. "Which battle did we use this technique and win with?"

I felt my stomach drop, I knew the exact one due to the history books. "The southern water tribe. It was the most successful raid of the century. They gave General Zai an honor medallion for it." I recited my knowledge perfectly, even making sure to give extra details, just like they silently required.

To everyone else I was the perfect princess. I never spoke unless spoken to, I maintained perfect posture, and I kept up with the citizens of the Fire Nation. I had an approval rate of 98% only 1% lower than my father.

"Good job Princess Desme." The general checked outside, seeing the sun beginning to lower. "I believe you earned your lesson being cut short. Go have a little fun princess, you deserve it." I stood up and bowed, him copying the action. I left the room, smiling, a day cut short meant a little more time I could spend practicing with my siblings and reading more history.

It wasn't right for a princess to run, but I couldn't help but quicken my pace to a speed walk as I made my way to our wing of the palace. Father's was on the far side, leaving us siblings to have our special bond. While Azula and Zuko didn't get along, all three of us together were a dream team. We all mastered our fire bending, and we all fought with grace. When it came to fighting as a team, it was almost a dance, we worked in unison. The two of them by themselves, not so much, but together, you would think we practiced it to perfection.

Zuko and I were best friends, both closer in age to each other than we were with Azula which meant we more naturally bonded and relied on each other. And when mother disappeared...I took on the role and tried to guide the two, especially Azula to me the best, caring, person they could be.

I approached Zuko's door first and banged on it. Then I went across across the hall to Azulas, banging on it again. The both opened them at the same time. "I got done with lessons early, let's go do something." I told the both. Azula rolled her eyes.

"Like what?" I grinned at the both of them.

Before I knew it, we were in the training room. Azula had started to produce blue fire, one that I could control at will. I typically only used fire at minimum capacity, knowing I could never hurt someone badly.

Zuko and I circled around each other. While we were all great firebenders, we were so great hand-to-hand fighters. Father never saw the need to teach us hand-to-hand, saying that if we couldn't beat them with our fire, it wasn't a feat to celebrate."Come at me." I teased Zuko. One thing always remained true, I never attacked first.

He smirked before running towards me, trying to throw a punch. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, swinging him around. "Don't be so predictable," I ordered, going back to circle him. His enemy wouldn't fall for it and neither would it. "Again." He once more went after me, this time going for a low blow. This time I moved out of the way, tripping his feet. He landed on the ground and I heard Azula snicker from across the room.

"I don't know why you're laughing, you're next." She stopped laughing and went back to concentrating on her fire. "You're getting better Zuko." I reached my hand out to try to help him up but he smacked it away, getting up himself. "I know I said don't use your fire. But this time I want you to. Don't use it as a separate force though. Use it as an extension of your hits." I lit my hand on fire, letting the flames engulf it, knowing I wouldn't burn myself. I guided my arm through a fight routine I learned; a dance.

I let the flames burn brighter, the light reflecting within my eyes and turned my body around in a quick motion, slamming my fist into the dummy and leaving a burned circle in it's chest. I had power to do indescribable damage but I would never, I could never do that to someone.

"You're going to make a great Firelord someday." Zuko stared in awe.

"Not if I get to become Firelord first." Azula chirped. I rolled my eyes. I tried my best to teach her right and wrong but some of what she does is psychotic.

"Azula, don't say stuff like that." Zuko defended me. "You're third in line, there's no way that is going to happen."

"You never know." She said it in almost a sing-song manner. "Dinner should be getting done soon, let's head down before we're late." She skipped out of the room and I looked to my younger brother.

"She's just doesn't want to fight you. She's crazy." I chuckled and threw my arm around my baby brother.

"Yeah, but, she's my sister. That's never gonna change." We stepped out of the training room. I glanced at my brother and then the hall ahead of us. "Race you to the dining room." I took off in a sprint, knowing no guards or father would be in this area.

"No fair!" Zuko tried to catch up but I beat him to the hall that the room was in, knowing it was too much of a risk to run past that point. "I totally would've beat you if you didn't have that head start." He was right, he was starting to go through puberty which meant my days of being taller than him and faster were coming to an end...I still wouldn't make it easy for him though.

It was just the three of us tonight, as per usual. We only saw Father during meetings about our progress or about the war, at least that's when the other two see him. Mine were a lot more frequent.

I shook off the flashbacks and focused on eating dinner with my siblings, laughing at their bickering. This was my life, it wasn't the greatest. I had hatred for my country but eventually I would change it. That was my destiny. 

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