Chapter nine: The King of Omashu

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Just as Sokka predicted, we got to Omashu in three days. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. On one hand, I was excited to see the city, but I was always curious about how they and Ba Sing Se avoided capture for so long. It was more than impressive. On the other hand, though, I was terrified. Terrified that they would see right through my outfit and arrest me on-site.

"Are we nearly there?" Sokka asked, stopping to stretch his feet. I rolled my eyes and kept Appa's reigns in my hands.

"Stopping complaining, we'll get there when we get there," I answered back. Sokka glared back at me unseriously.

"You get a new outfit and act like a different person." I stuck my finger up at him and walked forward. "Seriously though, are we nearly there? I don't know how much longer I can take this."

"Calm down, we're coming up on it right now." Aang hushed. We stepped over the hill, and the city slowly revealed itself. I gasped in awe. It was nothing like my nation, nothing. The walls alone were something I could explore for a month. How the benders did it. How they maintained it. And the building structure, looked as if they were one on top of the other but still separate.

"Aang, this is...Wow."

"We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole." Katara's jaw dropped.

"They have buildings that don't melt." I chuckled at Sokka. I never really thought about that. Without any Water benders there either, it was a pretty slippery situation (Get it? Yeah you get it) Aang walked ahead of us, not waiting.

"Come on slow pokes. The real fun is in the city." He started down the hill and Katara and I both glanced at each other, practically reading each other's minds.

"Aang, wait a minute!" I hollered, he turned around, looking curiously at me. "If people find out you're the avatar, it could be dangerous."

"You need a disguise." Katara finished. Sokka nodded in agreement and looked around, trying to think. I lifted my hand from Appa's fur and saw it sticking to my hand. The flame went off in my head.

"I think I know one." They all turned to me and I held out my hand. Katara smiled, running over, and got to work.

Within ten minutes, Aang had a long, fur beard and a tall wig on his head. He started itching it and I smacked his hand away. "Ow."

"Don't touch it, you'll knock it off," I told him. He glanced down.

"I can't help it, it's so itchy." He turned to Appa. "How do you live in this stuff?" I dryly chuckled and looked at mine and Katara's work.

"You think it'll work?" sokka asked, coming up from behind us. I nodded. If Aang played it off well enough it would.

"He is technically 112 years old. I think he can." Katara only confirmed my thoughts."

Aang crouched over, using his staff as a walking cane. "Let's get skipping, young whippersnappers, the big city awaits!" I couldn't lie, he did nail the old man's voice. We said goodbye to Appa and we all walked down.

I stayed behind the rest of the group, watching the soldier intently. I was prepared to blast us out of here if I had to. As we approached we noticed a man with a cart full of cabbages. We all stopped, watching the interaction between the soldiers and the older man.

"Rotten cabbages!" The soldier shouted, and the man jumped back a little. "What kind of slum do you think this is?" The man crushed the cabbage in his hand and sent the older guy's cart flying through the air. The older man looked over the edge, watching his entire business fall down.

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