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A/N: I'm having a good time. Good thing, there's a roaming data on my service provider.

Enjoy this first chappy


Gulf Kanawut thought he knew his lover inside out after being together for 5 years and knowing each other for almost a decade. However, stepping into their apartment and witnessing his lover passionately kissing someone else caught him completely off guard. The shock was beyond anything he could have anticipated. Instead of lingering for justifications or apologies, Gulf chose not to entertain any of them. He swiftly turned away, leaving the scene undisturbed, and sought solace in the company of the only person he trusted to aid him in this tumultuous moment.

Thorn Pakorn, living merely a stone's throw away, opted for a leisurely stroll instead of hopping into his car, convinced that the physical activity would do him good. He didn't even bother slipping on his shoes. Gulf's focus was instantly captivated by Thorn's apartment door. He vigorously knocked on it with his fists, and after a brief span of time, Thorn swung it open. Thorn, who was only partially clothed, appeared irritated by the interruption, but his countenance softened as soon as he laid eyes on Gulf.

"Gulf! What...What...You...Ahem!" Thorn discreetly cleared his throat, hastily adjusting his shirt as a faint blush spread across his cheeks. His disheveled hair glistened with sweat, evidence of his recent exertion. Love marks adorned his neck, serving as a vivid reminder of his intimate encounter with someone. Gulf, standing behind him, caught a glimpse of the fortunate—or perhaps unfortunate—individual who had captured his best friend's attention. This person was undeniably attractive, boasting a well-defined yet slender physique. However, Gulf noticed a hint of concern in their eyes, accompanied by a profound affection whenever their gaze fell upon Thorn. It was clear to Gulf that this person's interest extended far beyond mere physical gratification.

"I need a place to crash..." Gulf struggled to maintain his composure, attempting to hide the pain in his heart as he recognized the similarities between this scene and the one he had recently departed. Thorn, to his credit, moved out of the way to let Gulf in without probing further. He did, however, shoot an apologetic glance at his companion, who flashed a toothy smile, grabbed a t-shirt, and draped it over himself. "Sorry...I didn't mean to interrupt..."

"...It's okay!" Gulf's eyes welled up with tears as Thorn spoke with a predictable sweetness. Overwhelmed with emotion, Gulf turned and embraced his friend tightly, feeling a small shudder run through his body. Thorn reciprocated the hug, lifting Gulf effortlessly and carrying him to the comfort of the sofa. " Lee, would you make a drink?"

"Uhm...Sure, Boo..." With a swift motion, he rose from his seat, his hand gently grazing Thorn's back as he strolled towards the kitchen area to prepare some refreshing beverages. Gulf couldn't help but be taken aback by the guy's familiarity with the place, realizing that he must have visited numerous times before. It was astonishing to Gulf that he had never come across this intriguing individual until now.

"Boo? Already got a pet name?"

"I guess...Gulf what's wrong? Is it him?" Thorn's distaste became evident as he let out an exasperated sigh, making it clear that he had never approved of Gulf's boyfriend. It was a revelation for Gulf, realizing that Thorn had only tolerated him for Gulf's sake and no one else's.

"...He was with another guy...They were all over each other..."

"That bastard! I'll chop his dick off!" Thorn's usual cheerful demeanor had vanished from his voice, replaced by a sense of melancholy. Gulf couldn't help but chuckle, relieved that Thorn had decided to visit. As Thorn wiped his tears and leaned back on the sofa, still holding onto Gulf, he knew that eventually his tears would stop flowing.

"I'll let you...Later...Just stay here..." As Lee returned with three cups, Thorn whispered while hugging his arm. Despite Thorn's apologies, Lee simply smiled and shook his head, reassuring him that everything was okay. Gulf let out a sigh and closed his eyes.


Mew Suppasit gazed at his ex-girlfriend, trying to muster up some semblance of sadness over their sudden breakup. They had been together for nearly three years, but as he reflected on their time together, he realized that there had never been a true connection between them. Despite the good times and enjoyable moments, there was always something missing - that spark, that fire that should have been there from the start. She had shed tears in the past to manipulate him, and even now, she tried to use them to get him to propose. But this time, Mew stood his ground. He may have invested three years into the relationship, but he refused to waste any more time on something that was never meant to be.

As he turned away from the retreating girl, he reached into his pocket to grab his phone. He was about to dial his oldest friend's number when he suddenly stopped himself. Lee had a date with his Boo? Seriously? He thought his friend had only been dating the guy for a few weeks, not long enough for nicknames. But judging from the way Lee spoke about him, it seemed like their relationship was getting serious. Lee had been on cloud nine lately, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to disturb him for a little while. After all, isn't that what gay best friends are for? Mew pressed the dial button and anxiously waited for his friend to answer. Surprisingly, it didn't take long before he heard Lee's voice on the other end of the line.

"Mew? Everything okay?"

"Is your date not going as planned?" Mew hummed in silence, perched on a low wall, gazing up at the few stars visible in the sky tainted by city lights. "If you're picking up your phone, it must not be going well..."

Lee responded in a hushed tone, "The date is alright, Boo's pal arrived... It appears that his boyfriend has been unfaithful..."

Mew let out a sigh, feeling a pang of surprise and sadness as he uttered the words, "Seems like there's something in the water... Chompoo just dumped me." Although he wasn't head over heels in love with his ex-girlfriend, he did value their friendship, and it stung to hear that she had found someone else who shared her desires.

"...I'm sorry..." Lee hummed down the line and Mew could almost feel the word 'But' before it came as clear as a bell down the line "But...It's a relief really, isn't it?"

"...I...Thought so...But...I guess...It's strange...Are you at home? Can I come over?"

"I'm still with Boo...But...I guess...Boo said it's fine if you want to come..." Lee was humming a tune while Mew flashed a wide grin, releasing a sharp whistle that echoed through the deserted surroundings. Although he had heard numerous tales about the renowned Boo, he had never actually crossed paths with him. It was unexpected that he felt the urge to introduce himself to Boo's friend, especially when they seemed upset.

"I'm finally going to meet Boo?"

"If you promise to behave..." Lee responded curtly, providing him with the address of an apartment complex located on the opposite side of town. However, it wasn't too far away if he took the train. Mew rushed to the station and luckily arrived just in time as a train arrived.

Since it was getting late, finding a seat on the train was relatively easy for him. During the journey, he took the opportunity to delete all traces of Chompoo from his phone. He knew that neither of them would be reaching out to each other again. By the time he reached the correct station, his phone was completely Chompoo-free, and he already felt a sense of relief. He felt a twinge of guilt for interrupting his friend, but not enough to change his mind about going. He was curious about Boo and the friend who had lost his boyfriend.

*** to be continued ***

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