Fired Who?

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A/N: The price for pork had an influx again but I'm not affected since I don't usually eat  pork, I would be totally disappointed if chicken and beef will have a price increase. LOL!


"Head up. Eyes forward. " Gulf wasn't entirely certain whom Mew was trying to encourage as they stood side by side. Throughout the morning, Mew had been repeating similar phrases, starting from the moment they woke up intertwined in each other's embrace. It continued when they had to tidy up after Pak, who appeared content after devouring all the pricey sushi that Mew had kindly provided for them.

Gulf had expected him to be mad, he would have been if it was him that had paid for it, but it was more the opposite with Mew grinning like Cheshire cat that had been given a full bowl of cream. Gulf had never really considered himself to be a touchy-feely kind of person and he had never expected Mew to be one but he was happy to be proven wrong on both accounts. Mew had been affectionately touching and kissing him nonstop since morning, making it quite surprising that they managed to leave the apartment at all.

"We'll be fine. " Gulf whispered, his voice filled with an optimism that he just didn't really feel but he was determined not to be ashamed. Mew reached out and squeezed his hand, their fingers threading together for the briefest of moments before the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Mew gave his hand one final squeeze before taking a deep breath and striding purposefully towards his office, his gaze fixed ahead and his posture confident. Gulf silently wished he could muster even a fraction of that self-assurance, but alas, he couldn't. He swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in his throat, and awkwardly moved forward, acutely aware of the suffocating silence enveloping him.

As he made his way forward, the weight of the situation felt almost overwhelming. Countless pairs of eyes were fixed on him, observing his every step until he finally settled down behind his desk. With a satisfying click, the door to Mew's office shut, sealing him off from the outside world.

The silence lingered for a moment before any noise began to emerge. It was just a few bubbles here and there, rather like the start of a rain storm. Just a few little droplets at first here and there and then a loud hum and a rush. The office was filled with an unusual level of noise, even though everyone was making an effort to speak softly. Gulf switched on his computer and absentmindedly drummed his fingers on the desk, his gaze fixed on the faint reflection of his own face on the screen.

"Is it true?" Gulf glanced up from his desk when he heard a hushed conversation between his colleague and the plump lady sitting across from him. He initially thought the question was directed at him, but soon realized it was meant for the peppered haired man. It surprised Gulf that neither of them seemed like the gossiping type, which indicated the significance of the news they were discussing. The plump lady leaned in closer, her hand covering her mouth as if trying to prevent anyone from overhearing, and replied in a whisper.

"I don't know. But they did come in together."

"And Chompoo did say that they were living together. " Another voice put in and Gulf was glad when his computer flickered into life allowing him an excuse to look away positive that it wasn't possible for his cheeks to get any redder than they were now.

"But it doesn't really prove it. Not positively. " The man said again and Gulf typed his password furiously into the little box chewing on the inside of his cheek and wondering what people couldn't just be adults and ask him themselves. "I mean. Mr. Suppasit has always made it clear that he doesn't like him. "

"And yet he's given him the important client. Leap frogging him over us more qualified people. "

"That's the one thing I mind about it. I don't care what they do in their bedroom. But he shouldn't have jumped over people to give him the best jobs. " The plump woman, Claire, said with so much venom Gulf wanted to be able to phase through the chair and vanish.

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