Chapter 15

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"Was that as weird for you as it was for me? Edward ask them.

"Not really. You probably not used to them like that" Jin said to Edward.

"Yeah, I'm not" Edward said admittedly.

"For myself, I don't know" Bella said as they walk up the stairs seeing a frame with a lot of graduation hats.

"Graduation caps?" Bella asked confused causing Jin to chuckle.

"Is that a joke?" Jin asked.

"Yea, You get it. It's a private joke. We matriculate a lot" Edward said smiling at him.

"That's kind of miserable. I mean, repeating high school over and over" Bella said shaking her head.

'True, but the younger we start out in a new place, the longer we can stay there. Come on" Edward said explaining it. Edward leads them to her to his room.

"Yeah, this is my room" Edward said. They walk into his room.

"No bed?" Bella asked.

"No, I uh... I don't sleep" Edward said.


"No, not at all" Edward said.

"We don't have to sleep at all" Jin said to her. Bella looks around as Jin sits down on the cushion.

"Boy, you have soo much music. What are you listening to" Bella turn on the speaker.

"Ooo I remember this song" Jin said relaxing more against the cushion

"You do?" Edward asked.

"It's Debussy"

"Claire De Lune is great" Bella said.

"I agree" Jin said nodding. Jin watches Edward grab Bella hand, pulling her close as they slowly dance. Jin smiles brightly watching his 2 mates dancing.

"What?" Edward said spinning her.

"I can't dance" Bella said causing Jin to chuchle.

"Well, I can make you" He said.

"With consent" Jin said fake coughing making them laugh.

"I'm not scared of you" Bella said.

Jin see the smirk on his face, "You really shouldn't have said that" Edward quickly pick her up onto his back and run jumping out the window into a tree. Jin hears bella giggles. He jump as well and grab onto a tree.

"Let's race" Jin said smirking at Edward as he smiles.

"You better hold on tight, spider monkey" Edward said Bella giggles as edward climb up to a branch.

"You trust me?" Edward asked.

"In theory"

"Then close your eyes" she didn't as they jump to another tree. Jin catches up to them.

"Go" Jin and Edward take off climbing fast and running along the tree. Jin laughing as he enjoying his time with them. Feeling the breeze along his face.

Edward stop on the very top of a tree with Bella holding onto the limbs. Jin joins them and sits on one of the branches next to them smiling enjoying the view with them.

"What?" Edward asked.

"This isn't real" Bella said chuckling. Jin smiles up at her.

"It is baby" Jin said.

"This kind of stuff just doesn't exist" Bella said speechless.

"It does in our world" Edward said smiling looking around staying close by Bella. They climb up the trees together as three staying close by each other.


Jin climb up to the window when hearing Edward say stop.

"I'm sorry" Jin hear Bella say.

"Everything ok? I just went out to eat something" Jin asked seeing Edward against the wall looking hurt. Bella sitting on the bed.

"Everything ok. I'm stronger then I thought" Edward said.

"Yea, I wish I could say the same" Bella said sadly. Jin walks to her and sits down beside her holding her in his arms.

"I can't ever lose control with Bella" Edward said.

"Hey, Don't go" Edward decides to stay.

Jin sits down behind Bella with his leg open pulling Bella in between his legs as he lay against her Bed. Edward joins them and sits next to them.

"I'm glad you not leaving. I just got here" Jin said.

"I know. I won't" Edward said to them.

"Good, because I want to spend time with you both" Jin said to them.

"I do to" Bella said.

"I have nothing better to do" Edward said.

"To be honest, this is better" Jin and Bella smiles.

"Do you have any family, Jin?" Bella asked.

"I do, but they are far away from here and busy taking care of things" Jin said.

"Like what?" Bella asked.

"A castle" Jin said honestly.

"Wow, you live in castle with them?" Bella asked.

"Yes, but I decided to stay here for a long while for now" Jin said rubbing her side.

"You really are a prince" Edward said smiling. If jin could blush. He would.

"Yea" Jin admits. Through the night they continue talking. Bella ends up falling asleep on Jin. Edward have his arm around Jin.

"She sleeping" Edward said quietly.

"Good, she needs it" Jin said.

"I'm glad you accept me like you accept Bella" Jin said quietly.

"Of course, I will. You are just as much as a mate as she is. I won't ever end our bond over that. I'm also into guys as well. Not just girls" Edward said.

"Same, I'm into both genders" Jin said.

"Can I try something with you?"

"Sure" Jin said. Edward leans in closely and kisses his lips deeply. Jin kissed his lips back deeply with love. He then pulls away.

"Thanks to you being a vampire. I don't have to worry about me losing control" Edward said smiling down at him.

"Good, because I always wanted to kiss you" Jin said smiling. Edward leans in and kisses his forehead softly. Jin lays his head on Edward Chest. Relaxing along with him for the rest of the night.

Jin bond between Bella and Edward is now exactly the same. He loves both of them. And he don't ever want to let them go. He's becoming protective over them. Jin decided he won't let anyone hurt them.

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