First Meeting

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Facing his employer, Kurapika stands upright with his hands at his sides, observing the mafia figure clad in a tailored suit, his brown hair slicked back, brown eyes piercing, and a scar across his eyebrow. Kurapika harbors a profound disdain for the man, yet he knows he needs his connections to expedite the search for the remaining Scarlet Eyes. He hasn't been working with him long, but has already gained the nickname of Tenchi's infamous guard dog.

"Kurapika, I've got a new assignment for you," The middle-aged man says, taking a sip of his whiskey and lounging back on his couch. "You're going to be responsible for safeguarding my daughter, (Y/N). I've received intel that some of my rivals may be after her life. Think you can handle it?"

The Kurta furrows his brows, folding his arms over his chest tightly, "With all due respect, Tenchi," He says coldly but formally, "I'm not here to babysit your family members."

He made no effort to mask the annoyance in his voice. This was an unwanted distraction from the task at hand and that was locating scarlet eyes of his brethren. This would inevitably further tangle him up further with Tenchi's personal affairs, something Kurapika had been desperate to avoid.

The audacity of this man... Using Kurapika as a pawn again.

"Oh, you misunderstand, boy," Tenchi starts, his gaze hardening, "It wasn't a request. It was an order."

Kurapika's grey eyes flash with a hint of red beneath his contacts, a sharp glint appearing in them as he locks gazes with Tenchi. His voice remains composed but carries an undercurrent of steely determination.

"Very well," He concedes, knowing that going against Tenchi would only complicate matters further.

He couldn't let his emotions take control now. He needed to focus on protecting (Y/N) and fulfilling his duty, no matter how distasteful it felt to him personally. His anger towards Tenchi can wait until after this task is fulfilled.

"Great answer. Her apartment is down the hallway. 4A. Here's the key," The middle-aged man retrieves a key from his pocket, tossing it towards his employee, "She might be resistant to the idea. Good luck."

Kurapika catches the key deftly and nods, masking his dissatisfaction behind a stony expression. 

"I will do what's necessary to ensure her safety," He says stiffly before turning on his heel to leave. 

His thoughts were racing. He was worried about having another person close who could potentially get hurt because of him, but he couldn't afford to be sidetracked by these worries now. This situation was going to complicate things for him considerably. But he must remain focused. His responsibilities don't end with recovering the eyes.

Kurapika stands outside the door to 4A now, taking a deep breath before entering the room where he's almost immediately greeted with a sharp dagger to the throat.

"Who the hell are you?" The young woman asks with sharp eyes before furrowing her brow curiously, "Wait, you're that Kurapika guy my dad keeps around, aren't you?"

He stands still as the cold steel of the blade presses against his throat, staring into your scrutinizing gaze with a mix of caution and assessment. He could feel your tension, but he didn't allow himself to show any sign of fear or weakness.

"Yes, I am Kurapika," He replies evenly, carefully lowering his hands to show that he meant no harm, "I've been assigned by your father to ensure your safety."

Internally, he notes your skills with the dagger. Your reflexes are sharp. He must tread carefully around you while earning your trust. Ensuring your cooperation is crucial for his assignment. And he could already tell that (Y/N) was not one to be underestimated.

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