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"What a pain..." You complain as you heave a sigh, falling backwards onto the sofa.

Kurapika watches, echoing your sigh with one of his own as he can't help but share your annoyance, "Agreed," He says finally, rubbing his temples with a weary hand, "I will report this to Tenchi."

"Can't imagine he'll be happy."

As he watches you, his mind jumps back to the incident, prompting him to give pause for a moment, "Your teleporting nen... It's not something I've seen before," He begins carefully, "The way you managed back there was impressive."

Despite the usual coldness in his voice, there's also a faint undercurrent of respect. He wants you to know that despite your ongoing tensions, you have his admiration for handling yourself well in a delicate situation.

"Well, that's only a small part of it. With your well-trained eyes, I would have thought you'd notice the whole thing," You retort with an impish smirk, your eyes gleaming mischievously.

Kurapika's demeanor shifts slightly at your response, a flicker of curiosity flashing in his eyes. He prides himself on his keen observation skills and the fact that he had missed something significant unsettles him.

"I must have been distracted by the situation," He admits begrudgingly, "Perhaps you can enlighten me on the full extent of your abilities."

You lean back onto the couch, nonchalantly remarking, "Nah, where's the fun in that?"

He can't help but raise an eyebrow at your casual attitude, something that's both intriguing and frustrating to him. Despite the mystery surrounding your abilities, he respects your decision not to divulge more.

"Fair enough," He concedes with a small nod.

"Where are you from?" You ask abruptly, maintaining steady eye contact with the blonde-haired man who stands in front of you, "You have a weird accent."

Kurapika blinks, taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation, however he replies calmly, "I come from the Lusko Province. It's a remote area... Not many people are familiar with it."

"Lusko Province?" You repeat his words before humming in thought, "I think I've heard of that before. Wasn't that where the Kurta clan resided?"

At the mention of the Kurta clan, his eyes flash crimson below his contacts and he draws a sharp breath. It's a painful subject, one that reopens old wounds.

"Yes, that's correct," He confesses after a brief pause, keeping his voice steady despite the waves of memories threatening to overwhelm him, "I am... I was part of that clan."

The admission felt heavy on his tongue, an acknowledgment of what he had lost and would continue fighting for.

"I see. That's... Unfortunate," You frown, showing him a rare glimpse of your soft side, "I'm sorry."

Your consolation, though short and simple, seresting rikes a chord within him and he finds himself momentarily lost for words.

"Thank you," Kurapika finally responds with a modest nod.

"I'm sure you've been traveling a lot since you're so far from home," You mention to him before curiously wondering, "Is here better than the other places you've stayed?"

Your question catches him off guard, prompting him to look around the room, considering your words carefully before replying.

"Here is... Safer," He says after a moment of contemplation. Despite the dangers and complications that come with his current situation, being here does offer a certain measure of security, at least for now.

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