More than a Dance

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Kurapika meticulously adjusts the expensive suit he's wearing, straightening out every crease and ensuring his appearance is pristine. While dressing up like this isn't his preference, he understands the importance of blending into Tenchi's world seamlessly.

He turns his gaze towards you as you step out of your room, his eyes widening slightly at the vision before him. The long, elegant, black dress flatters your form and contrasts beautifully with your newly styled hair.

"Let's get this over with," You grumble under your breath as you shrug on your jacket.

"Let's," Kurapika responds dryly, trying to keep his unexpected admiration from showing too openly on his face. It's difficult not to be affected by how captivating you look at the moment.


The sleek interior of the limo surrounds Kurapika as he sits across from you, your reflections melding in the tinted windows. The silence between you and him is palpable, filled with unspoken words and lingering tension from the day's events.

He can't help but steal subtle glances at your profile, admiring how effortless grace seems to come to you despite the chaos that often follows in your wake.

You turn to face him with a sharp and piercing demeanor, abruptly commenting, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

A tinge of heat rises to Kurapika's cheeks at your words. He hadn't realized he had been staring quite that intently, "Apologies," He says in a curt tone, his gaze briefly faltering before refocusing on you, "Just lost in thoughts."

You can't resist letting out a light chuckle, "I was only teasing," You return to watching the world passing by outside the window, music playing quietly from the radio.

He blinks in surprise. A chuckle? From you?

Recovering from his momentary shock, he leans back into the plush seat of the limo, watching you as you peer out the window again, "I'm aware," Kurapika replies defensively with a ghost of a smirk playing at his lips, unsure if it was purely from your laughter or something else entirely.

When you and Kurapika arrive, you enter the party hosted in the grand ballroom of a sprawling estate. The grandeur of the ballroom is overwhelming to Kurapika so he instinctively keeps close to you, his senses on high alert as you make your way through the crowd of luxuriously dressed individuals.

Despite being dressed in a suit that matches the elitism surrounding him, he feels akin to an invader stepping into unfamiliar territory, there for a purpose but not belonging.

You try to stick off to the side to avoid any unwanted attention when Tenchi approaches you from behind, "(Y/N)!" He calls out, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "Come and meet my friend's son, Ewan! I think you'll like him."

"H-hey!" You stammer out at his abrupt request, caught off guard. You had expected this of course, but not right away, "Can't I at least have a damn drink first?"

Your father's expression darkens as he grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "It wasn't a request," He growls out, his grip firm and commanding.

Swallowing hard, you concede, "Yes, sir."

The interaction between you and your father makes Kurapika bristle. The unhidden display of dominance from Tenchi, coupled with your subservience, leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

But he also sees the defiance in your eyes, a mirror to his own stubborn nature, and finds himself respecting your resilience all the more. He wonders if this is something you have to endure regularly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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