chapter 3 N's home and a bonus story

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N woke up and see that Uzi is already out of her bed N gets up and he goes to
the kitchen and see Uzi drinking oil N
find a chair to sit on the table.

Uzi:N your finally up


Uzi:so um what's your next plan?

N:well I'm visiting Tessa for now

Uzi:wait you MEAN THAT HUMAN(Uzi said in furious and jealous voice)

N:uumm y-y-yeah(said with shaking voice)something wrong?

Uzi:n-n-no idiot(Uzi said with a tsundere face reaction)

N:ah ok...well I'm going now

Uzi:wait don't you want an oil?

N:oh um yeah thanks(N drink the oil)

N:well I'm going now

Uzi:um yeah have a nice flight(danm it
N got away maybe I'll get him next time)

N nod and spread his wings and flys back to his so called "home"

N while his flying back to his "home"
he thought about Tessa

dude what might be Tessa doing this time?

meanwhile Tessa was in the mansion
observing what was happening.
Tessa's pov
so N was coming here huh

(yes Tessa was aware of N's arrival because she place an tracking device
on N on the last time they meet)

back to N

looks like I'm finally back here

N land on the front door and hides his
wings and he open the door and see
Tessa waiting for him.

Tessa:N! (Tessa said and hugs him with a smile on her face)

N breaks the hug

N:so Tessa how are you doing?

Tessa:well not to good


Tessa:because my mom and dad was disappointed to the other drones. anyways you must be tired form coming here(Tessa said with a soft voice)

N:yeah I guess

Tessa:let's prepare your room here

N and Tessa clean and prepared N's room

Tessa: I guess that's it

N:yeah thanks and good night Tessa

Tessa:good night N(said while blushing
while walking away and goes back to her room and N sleep in his bed

Tessa was watching N in her secret cam

Tessa:N was so cute while sleeping I should take a picture(and she did take a picture)that will do Tessa takes the picture and hugs it before falling asleep

meanwhile on cyn
Tessa was also an target for me then I
should also use something to get my time with N.just you wait big brother
N ❤

To be continued..

end of chapter 3


warning this not connected to the story but that might change
and 18+

N was being chase by the girls and
want his love.. N runs,fly and even swim to get away from them but they still got him.

V:N's mine(V said while pulling N's right arm)

J:no his mine(J said while pulling N's
left arm)

Rebeca:no mine(Rebecca said while pulling N's left leg)

Tessa:mine(Tessa said while pulling N's
right leg)

Cyn:let go his mine(while pulling N's upper body using the absolute solver)

Doll:нет, он мой(no his mine)(while pulling N's lower body with her absolute solver)

Uzi/Alice:why don't we share?

lizzy:yeah why won't we?

the girls stopped and think about it
then smirk at N

Uzi:that solve it

N:please have mercy on me

girls:don't worry N we'll be gentle ❤

the girls goes hard on N and N was left
dry on the bed his d*ck was knocked out cold he was also knocked out cold

5 years later after the girls f*cked N now have 8 kids with them and there are some 3 of them are whole disassembly drones and the rest are just hybrid.
he lives happily with them but they still
f*uck N so they might have more kids
in the future.


N's unexpected experience(Nxharem)YanderesWhere stories live. Discover now