chapter 4 part 2 A New Day

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Cyn ordered the two corrupted drones
to leave her and guard N so he can't
escape the corrupted drones nod and
goes to N's room

while Cyn put the pink dress on her self
and go to a mirror to see herself

while Cyn put the pink dress on her selfand go to a mirror to see herself

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(she was asking YOU jk)

meanwhile Tessa was done readying
her weapons and she put it in a backpack and she wear the space suit
and her jetpack.

im coming N(she said in her self)
and she flys away while looking in the

meanwhile N manage to untie himself
that was harder than what I expected
then a dark figure with a portal appeared N to the portal he said
N think for a moment then....

corrupted drone 1:wait do you feel that?(he said with suspicious face)

corrupted drone 2:yeah wait let me check N for a moment

then he see N with the mysterious person N. N was escaping he shout out
loud then the other corrupted drones
go to the location

dark figure:we don't have time
let's go now

N:ok (who was still confused of what's happening suddenly agreed to him)
then they disappear with the portal

the corrupted drones tries to get N
but fail because there to late when
they are about to get to the portal

corrupted drone 2:were so dead when
master Cyn know this(he said with a
worried and scared face)

corrupted drone 1:agreed(he said with
a sign)

a few minutes later

Tessa just arrived on the hiding spot of
Cyn she blow away the door

Tessa:where is N!!!!(she said with a furious voice)

N was no longer here(Cyn said with a
disappointed face)

Tessa:then WHERE IS HE?

Cyn sign and said
he escape with an unknown person

Tessa became more furious
don't lie to me I know your just him

Cyn snapped her fingers then a large
screen appeared then Tessa see what

Tessa:so did you figure out who was this?

Cyn:not yet I'm still trying to locate them

Tessa:wait let me check my GPS
wait why it Glitching

on the other side

dark figure: don't worry N I completely
Hack there GPS and tracking devices

N:oh is that so?

dark figure:yes

back to Tessa and Cyn

Cyn:danm my tracking device can't locate them(she said with a annoyed

Tessa:can't be help I don't want to
say this but looks like we need to
work together for N atlest


they shake hands

(don't know if that looks like they shake hands but whatever)

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(don't know if that looks like they shake hands but whatever)

and started to look
for hint and tries to fix there tracking

on the other side

dark figure:well I can't hide you here
forever because it will destroy the story

N:wait what do you mean story

dark figure:can't tell you much but I'm
going to teleport you to far place to
buy you some time to run and hide
from them but hiding will meaningless
oh and here he (give N a cup of oil)drink some oil so can continue your

N:umm ok thanks(N drinks it)

dark figure:ok time for you to go oh
and this won't be the last time we will
meet ok?(he teleport him)

N nod and he was back from his world
but somehow he was teleported to lizzy's house

N:you got to be kidding me

End of chapter 4

to be continued

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and have a nice day guys

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