chapter 5 part 1 lizzy and ????

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N was confused on why was he in lizzy's house

N:why did you send me here?

the dark figure talk in his telepathic power "it was a mistake sorry but I guess you  can get out of there?" he said nervously.


N's face reaction:

then the dark figure disconnect him
self in the conversation

N:rude(he said in disappointment)

unfortunately lizzy was aware of his

"so my plan work" she said and she laughed. she managed to hack the dark
figure's teleport power to bring N to her

back to Tessa and Cyn

Tessa was finished fixing her GPS and
so was Cyn. Cyn ordered her corrupted
drones to prepare for battle. Tessa in the other hand managed to track N

Tessa:Cyn! I managed to track him!!(she said in joy)

Cyn:me to!!(she said in relief and joy)

Tessa:remember the deal Cyn(she said
with a serious face)

Cyn:of course he'll be ours(she said with An X on her face)

Tessa:then let's go now we can't lose
this opportunity

Cyn nod and they teleport on ????

back to N

lizzy go downstairs to see N in person
she blush when N look at her

lizzy's mind
aaahhhh N was alone with me I wanna
do many things with him and I also wanna bear his child and be his naughty lustful wife. (she said with perverted face and she was drooling while thinking this)

and while lizzy fantasizing her mind N manage to escape (I give a luck for this time)

(I use the power of stop time to save N for now because he'll need that strength to run again later)

like this:

I put N out side the house (and I let the story goes on this already destroyed the story I know sorry) and I resume the time like this:

N was confused because he suddenly
OUTSIDE of the house but he didn't
worry that much because that moment
a new character suddenly show up


N was surprised of who it was


end of part 1

N's unexpected experience(Nxharem)YanderesWhere stories live. Discover now