U.A. High!

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The start of a new school year had began at one of the most famous schools in Japan. A school that was created for the current society which had been created several decades ago due to the sudden appearances of inhuman abilities. These abilities were quite special as many of them had odd ways to active, which over time gave the name Quirks instead of Meta or Extraordinary Ability. Along with being unique to each user, Quirks are sorted into multiple categories. Quirk users are also limited to only developing one ability and are thus unable to achieve any other through natural means. It was needless to say that people took advantage of such abilities and began using them for terrible things. But when there are people that use their Quirk for 'evil' there are those that would use them for the opposite. Obviously, the two sides didn't get along and over time they were named 'Heroes' and 'Villians'. Because of this, Heroes became a Profession sponsored by governments all across the world. That is why U.A was created as its main course is that of the Hero training course.
"Don't put your feet on the desk!" At that moment, in one of the two classes created for the Hero Training, someone was shouting. The one that was shouting is a relatively tall and muscular young man with a wide frame. He had short dark blue hair, flattened neatly down and parted on the right side of his head, a small patch completely shaved near the base of his head, and rather square eyes which match the notably pointed shape of his jaw. His expression was quite serious with his eyebrows pointing inwards, quite thin and long in length, the far ends sharply hooked inwards, and he wore glasses with rectangular lenses.
"Huh?" He was shouting at another young man who was sitting at a desk, his feet ontop of it. He possessed a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He had this short, spiky, sandy blond hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows and eyes that were sharp and bright red in colour.
"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. Upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?" This was being asked quite seriously for some reason.
"Nope. What junior high did you go to, you side character?" This question had been asked with complete cockiness.
"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida." However, despite that, the serious young man introduced himself while answering the question.
"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you." This had been the response given.
"'Crushing'? That's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?" Hearing this had shocked the other young man as it didn't sound the slightest bit heroic at all.
"Be quiet, you causing my ears to bleed." A voice came from the person sitting in front of the young man. It had caused Iida to turn around where someone's back was pointing to them.
"What did you say!?" Which only caused him to slam down on his deck shouting.
"Perhaps you are too stupid to understand." The girl in front of him began to turn, seeing her face appeared to have surprise the young man

" The girl in front of him began to turn, seeing her face appeared to have surprise the young man

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and it caused him to look shock upon her appearance. It wasn't all that surprising as she was quite pretty, or more on the sexy side. "You're voice is annoying and loud, shut up or get out."
"Don't get cocky, damn extra!" Her words seemed have snap him out of his staring.
"What are you? A Chūnibyō?" She asked him, with a large smirk across her face.
"A what!?" The boy slammed his hands on the table and below his palm, little explosions began going off.
"Calm down, both of you!" The glasses guy was trying to interfere.
"Shut up, Damn four eyes!" The boy came to snap are him in anger and rudeness.
"Mind your own business." But it had come more polite from the girl.
"You don't get to speak to me like that, Long Ears!" The young man turned his attention back to the girl, shouting.
"My name is Yuko Hisakawa. Or is your brain to small for you to remember?" However, she was responded with sass as she introduce herself.
"Huh!? I'm going to crush you first!" It pissed him off even more, however, out of nowhere his attention turned towards the front door to the classroom. Seeing this caused not only Iida but also the girl, Yuko to turn their heads towards it as well. It was there that one was able to see a young man in the doorway, he had short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. Upon seeing everyone looking at him, the young man looked incredible nervous. This was due to his large, somewhat circular eyes that were the same shade of green as his hair, were looking up to the ceiling to avoid everyone's gaze.
"Good morning!" Iida had began munching over towards the door. "I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is-"
"I heard!" However, as he was reintroducing himself, he had been cut off by the new young man. "I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida." And then he gave his name in return.
"Midoriya, you realised there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you?? Then the subject had changed completely by this statement or question. Though, it appeared that the green hair boy didn't understnad what he meant. "I had no idea... I misjudged you!" But Iida didn't seem to notice as he continued. " I hate to admit it, but you are better than me."
"Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain-looking one!" Out of nowhere, someone new had appeared from behind. They were a short girl of a slender yet curvaceous figure. "You passed, just like Present Mic said!" She was fair-skinned with a pink perpetual blush on her cheeks. Her eyes were large and round, with a warm auburn brown colour to them. They also possessed thick upper eyelashes, two longer and more prominent ones protruding outwards on either side and fewer but more individually pronounced lower eyelashes. "Of course you did! Your punch was amazing!" She was swinging, causing her shoulder-length, brown, bobbed and curved inwards hair to swing from side to her. She had two longer clumps taking the same shape on either side of her face, and short bangs that reach roughly a quarter of the way down her forehead that followed as well. "Break! Break! Bre-"
"Oh, well, um, it was thanks to you going to speak with him directly that I, uh..." by how red his face was and the shyness he was showing, it was clear that he wasn't use to the opposite sex.
"Huh? How do you know about that?" The girl had come to a stop in confusion. As this was happening...
"What is that?" Hearing this caused the young spike man to look ahead where he saw Yuko looking at Midoriya in complete shock. He notice how her eyes were shifting the area around the young man, looking at something that was there but he wasn't able to see it.
"I wonder if today's just the entrance ceremony and orientation? I wonder what our teacher's like?" The bob cut girl appeared to be completely excited. "Aren't you nervous?"
"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." But that soon turned to shock after looking down at the ground behind her. "This is the hero course." For some reason, there was a man curled up in a sleeping bag laying across the ground. "Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough." The man soon removed himself from the bag and stood before the class. He was a slender and tall, pale-skinned man with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hangs in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. He appeared to be worn-out or looking fatigued. His facial hair was in a stubbly, unkempt state, and his eyes tired and flat. He sported a baggy black outfit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots. He also wore a utility belt and had a scarf wrapped around his shoulders and neck. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you." The man had come to introduce himself and many of the students in the class were shocked upon this news. "It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field." This instruction had been given to the class as he pulled out U.A. P.E uniform form his sleeping bag.

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