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Five minutes had come to pass, those that weren't participating were all standing in a dark room which possessed large screens of the building that the first group would be using. "Now, let's start the indoor person-to-person combat training with Team A and Team D!" All Might spoke into the mic, which would allow the teams to know that they have begun. "Okay, everyone, you all should think as well." This had been said to the students with him as they watched the screens. In the beginning Midoriya and Uraraka infiltrated the building through a window without problems and then began walking through the corridors for a while, one was able to see them on high alert for any surprise attack from the other team. There was no sign of the other team, until Bakugo suddenly appeared out of nowhere emerging from an adjoining corridor, ready to blast Midoriya. His sneak attack only managed to damage half of Midoriya's mask, the latter was able to swiftly dodge while moving Uraraka out of the way.
"A surprise attack from the start?" The class watching appeared surprised at this.
"Bakugo, that's cheating! A surprise attack isn't manly at all!" And then some seemed to have really naive or stupid statements.
"A surprise attack is strategy, too. They're in the middle of a real battle right now." But All Might corrected him on this, since this was a battle, where there was no such thing as cheating or playing dirty.
"Midori avoided it!" Some were impressed by the actions of Midoriya, since the attack was out of nowhere and yet only his mask was burnt.
"There goes Bakugo!" This had been shouted as Bakugo had followed up with another attack, but Midoriya is able to counter. Grabbing Bakugo's arm, Midoriya slams him to the ground. Yuko could see Bakugo is astonished that he was able to read his move.
"Amazing, he was able to predict his attack." She came to say since a person wouldn't be able to stop attacks unless they knew their opponent well. But the grin across her face soon disappeared upon seeing the enrage in Bakugo's face and was ready to attack him once again, as he could see the fear the young man's body and face. However, the angry teen had suddenly placed his fingers onto his ear shouting.
"What was Bakugo saying?" This had caused Kirishima to ask this, since it was clear he hadn't been talking to Midoriya a second ago. "Can't tell with just the cameras in a fixed position and no sound." They were unable to hear anything that was going on.
"He's talking to his partner over the small wireless radio." All Might had explained this, as he was pointing to his own ear that had a light inside it. "You can bring that plus the building's floor plan, and this capture tape!" The teacher held up a roll to show everyone. "Once you wrap this around you opponent, it shows that you've captured them."
"The time limit is 15 minutes, and the heroes don't know where the nuclear weapon is located, right?" Ashido was asking to make sure it was all correct.
"Yes!" It was answered without hesitation.
"The heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here!" Had then been said by the girl.
"Heroes should be able to turn the tables on with whatever predicament they're in." This had been stated by their teacher, a pro, that was turning around facing them. "Besides, didn't Mr. Aizawa tell you, too?" The class seemed a little confused. "You know-" But they had figured out what it was. "Here we go-"
"Plus Ultra!" Everyone had called out together, raising their fists to the air.
"Monsieur, Bakugo is-" With someone speaking up about the fight, the class once again had turned their attention back to the screen where Bakugo was using his explosion to propel himself and attacks again with a kick. Meanwhile, Uraraka had taken off running. At the same time, Midoriya is able to block the attacking and attempts to use the Capture Tape, but Bakugo unleashed another right hook explosion, which Midoriya successfully dodges again.
"That guy's amazing!" Watching this only seemed to impressed the class, since Midoriya was having no problems dealing with Bakugo at all.
"He's not even using his Quirk fighting against the guy who finished first int he entrance exam!" Despite not using his Quirk. Just as Bakugo was about to once again head in for an attack Midoriya quickly retreated, severely irritating the blonde. As Bakugo searches for Midoriya he was shouting in complete anger as the explosions were going off in his hand.
"He seems real angry. It's scary!" That wasn't completely wrong. The first time Yuko saw him she could tell he suffered from a severe form narcissistic personality causing him to think of himself of all that. However, there had to be more to it since this was too much. Meanwhile, Uraraka appeared to have reached the room where the fake bomb is, with Iida guarding it. But even though he had no idea that she was there it changed as she suddenly began laughing, causing her to reveal her position.
"She's so stupid." Yuko was shaking her head watching, since Uraraka could have used it to her adventure. The young man already prepared for her as her Quirk allows her anything she touches to have zero gravity, so he had removed everything from the room other than the payload. This had caused the girl to get into contact with her partner to inform him. There was only 6 minutes left till the battle was over, and it was causing Midoriya to think about the situation. However, as he was deep in thought Bakugo was standing a few feet away from him. He had raised up his gauntlet as he was speaking. The two of them were having a conversation and Bakugo soon pointed his gauntlet at Midoriya. He had pulled back to which had opened up a small switch.
"Don't tell me..." It seemed that Yuko now understood the strange gauntlets on his arms. She felt that they would be a hindrance to fight in, unless they had a purpose. Yuko came to notice a bit how Bakugo's Quirk worked, it was his sweat.
"Young Bakugo, stop!" All Might had shouted as he also realised what the young man was planning. "Are you trying to kill him!?" However, despite the warning, Bakugo still fired and a large scale explosion began going off.
"This is supposed to be a class!" Someone had shouted as the explosion was to large that those standing in the monitoring room was able to feel the ground shaking.
"Young man! Young Midoriya!" All Might was shouting into the mic, trying to find out how Midoriya was.
"Such deadly force." Yuko was surprised upon the destruction that had been created. But she soon turned to the cameras that were the other two. She was able to see Iida was shouting to his earpiece, clearly wanting to talk to Bakugo. Seeing this had caused Uraraka to sprinting into action try to use it as an opening to grab the weapon Iida is protecting, as he began dashing for her. However, She had used her Quirk to allow herself to float and makes a jump to avoid Iida, but despite this he is too fast for her and uses his Engine Quirk to keep the bomb out of her reach. She ended up falling and rolling across the ground until she hit the wall.
"Sir, you should stop them!" Yuko had been pulled away from Uraraka and Iida back to Bakugo and Midoriya. She was amazed that Midoriya was about to actually dodge the blast that destroys a large portion of the building. "That Bakugo's really crazy! He's gonna kill him!" This was all being shouted by a spiky red hair.
"No..." But it appeared that their teacher thought something else. "Young Bakugo, the next time you use that, I'll stop the fight, and your team will lose." All Might had began warning not to fire another blast. One was able to see he's annoyance even if they couldn't hear him. "To attack on such a large scale inside is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That is a foolish plan for both heroes and villains! You will lose a lot of points for it!" This had all been explain and Yuko could see the young man was shaking in rage before he he had an out burst. He adjusted and moves into close-quarters combat with Midoriya. He tries to fight back, but Bakugo completely dominates in close combat. He uses his explosions charging forward where he gets in the air using his explosions which leads him to changing his trajectory in a blast that doubles as a smokescreen which finally causes him to blasting Midoriya from behind.
"What was that just now?" However, it appeared that most of the class was confused at what just happened.
"He doesn't look like the type to think, but he's more subtle than I expected." The young man known as Todoroki.
"What do you mean?" The red head had turned around to him asking.
"I know right." But Yuko had been the one to speak up. "Not only did he use the explosion to change course but also as a smokescreen. Then not a second later he was able do it again to attack." She ended up explaining as she understood.
"Getting in a clear hit while fighting against inertia requires fine lateral adjustments to the power of the explosions." The one that spoken had been Yaoyorozu.
"And his able to do all that in the middle of a battle." The dark skin girl had added, since it would require a lot of concentration.
"He's too talented... too talented... ugh..." it seemed to hav annoyed a blond hair boy as she said that. Their eyes were back to the screen as Bakugo came at Midoriya and slammed his gauntlet into the young man's side. But the attack wasn't over for he had then grabed onto Midoriya's arm and slams him into the ground after using explosions from his free hand to build up momentum.
"Truely impressive." Yuko couldn't help but find this amazing for someone to be able to fight like this as a first year.
"This is a lynching!" However, it appeared that she was the only person that thought so. "He can capture him for this exercise by just wrapping the tape around him!"
"Those are not the actions of a hero." Another had stated, which was quite true.
"I thought Midoriya was pretty amazing, too, but in terms of combat power, Bakugo is definitely a ball of natural instincts." That wasn't completely untrue, but Yuko couldn't help but think of the young blond as pitiful.
"He's running away?" This had been questioned as Midoriya began to run away from Bakugo.
"That's not something a man should do, but he has no choice." The red head, Kirishima was stating but then said... "But something's strange... why...?" At this point, Midoriya had made it to the windows as Bakugo began stomping over to him. As he did, the blonde was speaking and it appeared that something he said came to irritate Midoriya in response. The two of them were clearly filled with nothing but emotions, they both rush each other for a final clash as Midoriya uses his Quirk which delights Bakugo as he moves to attack.
"I said, this looks bad! Sir!" Once again, Kirishima was shouting at their teacher.
"Both of you, sto-" Just as All Might was about to shout at them to stop, he came to a stop something was off. In that moment instead of punching Bakugo, Midoriya aims into the ceiling, destroying the ground of every floor above them, including the one Uraraka and Iida are on, but Midoriya is forced to take the full brunt of Bakugo's Explosion.

This smash creates enough debris for Uraraka to use on the floor above. She uses her Zero Gravity Quirk on the pillar she had been grabbing onto to float it and uses it to bat enough shrapnel towards Iida. A dumbfounded Iida had shielded himself from the projectiles. Caught in the onslaught of rubble, Iida is unable to stop Uraraka from using her Quirk on herself again to jump the hole in the ground, grabbing the weapon and securing the victory for Team A.

Yuko's eyes were widen in shock as she was looking at the screen because the smoke that had covered over Midoriya had cleared and the young man Was standing there severely injured. She hadn't been the only one, as the class were stunned into silence. "Hero..." All Might began to speak, as he too was in shock. "Hero team...wins!" It had been announced loudly, but most of the class was in shock due to the fact that the heroes won despite the fact that they were on the ground unlike the villains.
"He really doesn't change..."

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