Let's Start!

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As their teacher were battling the villains without any problems, the students were running for the exist with Thirteen taking the lead. "Wow..." all but one that was just standing there watching the fight. "Mr. Aizwaw's Actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?" Midoriya seemed honestly surprised by this fact.
"This is no time for analysis!" But hearing this caused Iida to snap at him. "Hurry up and take shelter!" It caused Midoriya to take off after the others. However, they all came to a stop when the black-purple mist from before had suddenly appeared before them.
"I won't let you." It was clear that this mist was an actual person, using their Quirk. Seeing this, Eraser Head was about to head back to his students but the villains were blocking his path. "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." This villain had introduce their group and goal, and that was to kill All Might. "I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?" He didn't seem to care as the students were able to hear everything he was saying. "Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." The mist had opened up, getting larger. Thirteen had then pulled out their Quirk, pulling their finger at the villain, however, out of nowhere Bakugo and Kirishima had appeared in between the hero and villain, attacking the villain without hesitation. A large explosion had gone off because of Bakugo, but the smoke didn't reach the class as a dome of darkness covered them.
"Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?" Kirishima was acting all confident but his face had sweat rolling down it. The smoke began clearing so the dome of darkness disappeared causing some of the students to look at Yuko who had her hand raised and covered in darkness. She had clearly used it to protect them from the explosion.
"Oh dear, that's dangerous." However, the mist villain was still standing without any sort of injury or anything. "That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs."
"No! Move away, you two!" Thirteen shouted at the pair that had attacked before.
"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" However, it was too late as the mist expanded all around them.
"What the—!?" One by one students were being swallowed up by the mist, disappearing. Ashido and Sero were being crushed under Shoji's weight in order to protect them. At the same time Iida had taken upon himself to grab the two closest people to him, Uraraka and Sato, and escaped the mist. Just as he was about to go in for the others, it was already too late.
"Everyone...!" The mist had disappeared and the only ones that remained had been Thirteen along with Shoji, Ashido and Sero, who had all began standing up. As for the rest of the students, they were no where in sight. "Shoji, is everyone here? Can you check?" Iida asked Shoji to use his Quirk to find out where everyone was.
"Everyone's scattered, but they're all in this building." The young man had informed him as his Quirk had turned into ears and eyes. Hearing this news caused the others to sigh in relief as it meant that everyone was alive. It was then when they all began glaring at the one that caused their class to separate.
"Damn it, physical attacks can't hit him, and he can warp things... his Quirk's the worst!" Sero had said in frustration. Thirteen was looking at the villain, trying to come up with a plan.
"Class rep!" They called upon Iida.
"I entrust this duty to you. run through the school and tell them about what is happening here." This had been ordered to him, which had caused him to be shocked. "The alarms are not sounding, and our phones don't have signal. The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even thought Eraser Head is eracing peoples Quirks left and right, they are still not working, which means they must have someone with an interference Quirk who had right when they arrived." They came to this conclusion. "It would be faster for you to run than for us to find that person."
"But it would be a disgrace as class rep to leave everyone behind—" Iida tried to argue with Thirteen.
"Go, Emergency Exit!" But it was his classmates that spoke up against him. "If you can get outside, there are alarms. That's why these guys are only doing this inside, right?" Although Sero didn't completely understand, but he knew this much. "As long as you go outside, they won't follow you!" He had taken a stance, getting ready to fight in order from Iida to get past. "Blow away this fog with your legs!"
"Use your Quirk in order to save others!" Thirteen told him, causing Iida to remember their speech from before about their Quirks. Shoji had then began stepping forwards along with Sero.
"I can totally support you like I did in the cafeteria!" The class rep turned around to Uraraka that shouted this, even though she appeared nervous. "I will!" And Ashido was beside her, the same, nodding her head in agreement. "Please, class rep!" It seemed that the words of his friends and teacher caused him to see the bigger picture and he had began getting his Quirk ready to take off running for the exist.
"Even if you have no other choice, are there really idiots who can talk about their plans in front of the enemy!?" Not that the mist guy had any room to talk. He had once again expanded his mist towards the small group.
"We did it because it doesn't matter if we're found out!" Thirteen raised their hand to use their Quirk. "Black Hole!" The mist was being sucked into their finger.

As this event was happening, those in the shadows saw this and those that had been sitting came to stand up as if to get ready. "Time for work." At that moment on of them had placed their hands onto two figures shadows before they disappeared. "Let's start."

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