Too cute for you, huh, Pottah? (Drarry)

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Summary: Draco tries to get a flustered Harry's attention by tricking him.

Got this idea from Solangelo! 💛🖤

Got this idea from Solangelo! 💛🖤

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Warning: Fast-moving!

Top: Draco

Bottom: Harry


Draco watched as Harry frantically searched for his DADA textbook. Draco was actually hiding it behind his back, hoping to trick Harry into thinking that Draco happened to find it on the floor.

"Hey, Pottah! Looking for this?"

Draco held out the book, smirking. Harry blushed and took the book out of Draco's hands.

"Urgh, you're so annoying!"

Harry ran off with the book, probably heading for the common room. Draco cupped his hands around his mouth.


Harry grunted and came running back towards Draco, elbowing him in his side.


 Draco moaned in pain and rubbed his side, smirking.

That night

Draco came up to the Fat Lady.

"Oh, shit! I don't know the password! Maybe...alohomora."

The Fat Lady woke up and screeched.

"Oh, Slytherins! What do you want?"

Draco blushed.

"Err...I just want to get in. To see someone."

"Who is this person that is so important to you that you would visit them this late at night?"

"You'll see soon. Now will you let me in?"

"I can't see anything you filthy snake! I'm a painting!"

"Ugh! I need to see Harry Pottah!"

The Fat Lady squealed and opened up.

"Well, go ahead Lover Boy!"

Draco blushed and ran in. He memorized where Harry usually slept. He always fell asleep on a chair in the common room. Draco saw Harry there, on the floor, reading a book. It was a Potions book. That was odd. Harry loathed Potions. Draco tapped his shoulder from behind, startling Harry.

"Malfoy! What are you doing here?!"

"Shush, Pottah! You know you love me, do you?"

Harry blushed hard and went silent.

"Leave it!"

Draco smirked.

"Aww, that's just adorable. You are trying to hide it and failing miserably. I can tell. Wanna see if you're lying?"

Harry put the book to the side.


Draco took Harry's face in his hands and kissed him. The kiss was gentle, since Draco didn't want to scare Harry in any way. He didn't want to do anything without consent. Harry let him only reluctantly. Harry finally kissed Draco back, and it was more needy, but still with passion.

They pulled away, breathing heavily. Draco looked up at Harry.

"Did I win?"

Harry nodded.

"Y-Yes. I love you, Draco."

Draco smiled. "I love you, too, Harry."

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