Blonde Bitch (Drarry)

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Summary: Harry is trans and Voldemort doesn't exist. Draco and Harry were friends until 4th Year. It was the summer after 5th Year and Draco tries to bond with Harry again through text.

Warnings: Anxiety and fast moving!

Top: Draco

Bottom: Harry


Harry's POV

After dinner, I grabbed my phone to check my messages, and found 16 messages from Draco. Before I started dating Fred at the end of 4th Year, I had a crush on Draco. I've been ignoring Draco since 4th Year, trying to get over him and it didn't work.

Private Chat with Blonde Bitch

BB: Hey!

BB: I need 2 ask u smth.

BB: Pls answer 4 once!

BB: Wut happened 2 our friendship???

BB: Pls answer!


BB: UGH Idk how 2 call u on this thing, but I would if I could!

BB: Alr, wut shit did I do 4 u 2 ignore me 4 this long???

BB: Cmon! I thought u would answer!

BB: Im gonna text ya til ya answer :J

BB: Text

BB: Text

BB: Text

BB: Now imma annoy u!

BB: ...

BB: Harriet!

Ugh, he can be so annoying! I decided to text him back.



ME: Dont call me that ever again

BB: No promises!


BB: Can I ask my question???

ME: Sure

BB: Have u ever had feelings 4 me???

ME: Wut is your intention here?

BB: Nothing, my luv!

ME: Stawpp

BB: How bout no?

BB: I luv u, now say it back

ME: I have a boyfriend ya know

BB: Oooooooh

ME: UGH u r making me blush!

BB: Thats the whole point babe

ME: >:(

BB: Hmm lets play a game. i will recall a moment between us and u have 2 react in 15 secs. if u start luving me, u lose. If i run out of moments u win

ME: Wut is the reward?

BB: If i win u kiss me. if i lose i kiss u <3

ME: makes no sense but fine

I really like this.

BB: Alr! :)

BB: 1st Year: U accepted my handshake and your hand was sweating and u were blushing like mad

ME: Wtf?! I accepted it due to friendship, my hand was sweating cuz i didnt know how 2 react and i was blushing cuz i felt overwhelmed since u were my first friend!

BB: Alr...

BB: 2nd Year: U sobbed into my shoulder, crying bout smth that had 2 do with crushing on 2 people at once and u preferred not 2 say who

ME: I couldve had 1 on anybody and i wasnt very open bout evrything

BB: Fair...

BB: 3rd Year: U stared at me everytime i passed by

ME: i stared at u cuz of all the attention u were getting! r u blind???

BB: last time i checked, no! ;)

BB: 4th Year: I heard the Weasleys telling everyone in Gryffindor that u were crying and moaning about a particular blonde in your own puddle of sweat

ME: ...

BB: u need 2 react

My fingers typed at the speed of light as my heart burst open.


BB: u lose u need 2 kiss me :J

ME: ikkk but when °~°

BB: in the hogwarts compartment maybe more

ME: ig


Sry I changed the topic of this book to HP oneshots in general. Remember y'all can make suggestions! I luv reading comments! <3

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