10 {The Party} Part 4

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At 10 pm, TD got ready to blow the candles but he wanted to say his wishes. "Thank you to everyone for coming to my party, I appreciate it, but now I'm going to say my wishes, one I wish-". Then when Seraph remembered Arii, she was looking for her. "Did anyone see Arii?", "Seraph, what happened to her?", "I don't know Roman, she's probably-", "kidnapped, I told you to stay with her", "Sorry I forgot about that because we were having so much fun and I even forgot that I'm supposed to be with her", "TD?", "What's going on? I'm trying to blow my candles", "Arii is missing, her ex probably kidnap her", "What!", "Yeah, we have to do something fast", "Okay, meet me after my party at the door", "Okay", then TD went back on stage and blew his candles. "Roman, I'm so sorry", "it's okay but where was she?", "I did see her sitting by the food area earlier", then Seraph walked to Cam. "Cam, have you seen Arii?", "Yeah", "Where is she?" then Cam grabbed Seraph and tied her. "Cam, wtf", "Roman, stay back", "And why should I?", "You want to be shot? Then leave" Then Cam and his homeboys were shooting the party and then running with Seraph in his hand putting her in the back seat and driving off.

"TD, we have to go"


"They kidnap Seraph and Arii"

"Okay, let's go"

"you driving?"


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