The girl at the beach

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I'm stood at the kitchen counter pouring myself a bowl of coco pops.

"Don't finish all the coco pops, I want some!" I hear a voice from behind me say.

That's keira, Lucy's girlfriend. They spending the summer in England so I'm staying with them until I have enough to buy a place.

I pour keira a bowl of coco pops as well and pass it to her along with a spoon. Keiras weird she eats cereal without milk.

"I don't get how you eat those without milk, they must be so dry" I say looking at keira weirdly whilst she eats her coco pops.

"Eating then with milk is gross though" keira responds with.

I dart keira a strange look, I'd normally be asking where Lucy is but it's the same answer everyday so I don't need to ask.  She'll wakeup at like 11 she's such a deep sleeper.

And they have sound proof walls I never know what's happening in their bedroom. Not that I want to know either.

I put by empty bowl in the sink after drinking out the milk.

"I'm going to go get changed and head out to the beach kei" I say as I'm walking off towards the stairs.

"I'll pack some food and join you there, I'll try get lucy up aswell" she shouts up to me as I'm already at the top of the stairs.

We're staying in this cottage on the beach and it's such a hot day today atleast it's hot for England.

I look through my bikini box I spent ages painting it, me and Katie Robinson painted them together.

I pull out a light pink bikini and get changed, I like all my outfits to be colour coded so I got my white sandals and white sunglasses.

White and pink is one of my fav colour combos at the moment.

I tie my hair up with my clawclip.

I walk downstairs, realising I took ages to change and keira and Lucy were already on the beach.

I grab a towel out the cupboard as I walk out the back door onto the beach.

Lucy's sat on here towel with keira laying between her legs.

I join them laying my towel down, I turn my head round and look over at the other people on the public part of the beach.

Staying in this cottage comes with the perks of an amazing private beach.

I girl with nice brown hair tied up into a ponytail catches my eye, she's wearing a dark green bikini showing her abs.

"Oooh lani who you looking at" keira says smirking.

"Huh, what oh uh no one" I blink myself back to reality.

"Oh come on lans we know when your lying" Lucy says letting out a slight laugh.

I notice a dog over on the beach.


"I was just uh looking at the um dog over there" I say nervously.

"We know your lying" Lucy teases.

"Am I not allowed to look at girls now or something?" I question slightly annoyed.

"Were just teasing you lani" keira says.

"If your looking at girls I need to know if your making good choices" lucy says.

"Calm down luce I'm just looking nothings going to come from that" I say slightly laughing at her for taking it so seriously.

I'll fine the right person at the right time. That girl was kind of hot but she doesn't know I exist so I need to stop obsessing other this girl.

"This swim suit is to big its almost falling off" keira complains and laughs.

"Come in the water with me then and take it off" Lucy says smirking.


"I'm still sat here you know, you guys are so weird" I say not wanting to look at them incase they do anything.

"You won't find it weird when you fall inlove lani" lucy says walking down to the edge of the water with keira.

I roll over onto my stomach and start reading my book.

How (not) to be strong by Alex Scott.

Lucy and keira need to go back to Barcelona soon I'm just going through the final payments for a small flat I haven't told lucy yet but the flats in London.

Arsenal have tried to sign me before but I wasn't ready for that level of football but now I am.

I've had loads of teams put on offers for me just not arsenal.

Hoping they sign me before the new season starts.

I watch Lucy throw hers and keiras bikini bottoms onto the sand from in the water.

I don't want to risk seeing anything.

"I'm going inside I don't want to see whatever it is you girls end up doing." I yell as I walk back inside.

I left my towel outside I'll go back out later.

I grab a bowl out the cupboard and fruit out the fridge.

Smoothie bowls are my favourite.

I flick through the pages of my smoothie bowl book and end up making a Berry and banana one.

I sit at the kitchen island and eat the smoothie.

I can't get that girl put my head the image of her silky brown hair and her forest green bikini her abs shining in the sun.

She was hot I can't even deny it.

But this obsession has to stop I don't even know this girl when the time is right ill find someone good for me.

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