Bite the hand, That feeds you

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TW: Gore, Animal Abuse, Psychological Trauma, Abusive Relationship, Power Imbalance and Toxic Mindset!


Holding a young brown bird in his hand, Vince loved this young hatchling, a bit too much. The two were inseparable! Oh how dearly the young child loved his brown bird, feathers so soft and kept.

He always took the bird from its golden cage despite his mother, scolding him and telling him to leave the precious bird alone.

"But mother? How could I?" The bird tweeted calmly on his pale hand, it nestled down comfortably on his palm as he gently pets his head with his finger; a soothing motion to calm the bird down.

"It'll die without me."

"I can't be without them."

"It won't live without me."

Vincent continued loving his dear friend, his only friend. Feeding him a lot of bird pellets and secretly a piece of meat that he took from his steak dinner without his parents noticing.

He kept feedings it until the small bird became round and plump, now unable to fly away from him due to its weight but— that was a good thing.
That meant it wouldn't escape him and he didn't need to worry about the bird, ever leaving him.

The bird wouldn't spread it's wings to leave him!

But who would even want to leave Vince? The child firmly believed that he had taken such good yet gentle care of his bird, so why would it leave him?

That thought alone accidentally made him squeeze his precious birds, it's small eyes almost popping out from their sockets. It squirmed from his hands, desperate to escape from his firm grasp.

But his hands were overly protective and too overbearing, that the poor bird felt trapped; confined by the small palms of the child.

that it accidentally nipped young Vincent's hand. His pale hand, bleeding from the small wound.


"I fed you, I was so nice to you."

In a swift movement, the wings detached from the small birdie, the last strings of its muscles that attached it from the poor creature, ripped away.

Vince, his face contorted with rage, couldn't comprehend the betrayal he felt from his feathered companion. He stared at the now lifeless bird in his hands, its once vibrant plumage now dull and stained. The room, once filled with the sweet melodies of the bird's tweets, was now silent, accentuating the horror of the scene.

The bird choked, its feathers being plucked one by one. Its small body, being squeezed. Vince was fuming with betrayal, he had fed this creature, taken care of it, and loved it yet, this is how they'll repay him?

By biting the hand that feeds him? What a pity.

Tears welled up in the child's eyes as he mumbled, "It bit me, Mother. It bit me, after all I did for it." His trembling hands clutched the lifeless bird, blood staining his fingers.

"Why?" The young child muttered constantly, grappling with the conflicting emotions inside him. The room, silent except for the occasional sniffle from Vince, became a somber backdrop to his internal struggle. The notion of loyalty shattered, leaving behind a void that even his young mind struggled to comprehend on the levels of disturbing regarding his actions.



"Yet— All you do is complain."

Arms dripping with a fresh coat of blood, it traveled down to his fingertips; the once clean fingernails were now dirtied with dead skin from scratching on his pale skin, nails digging onto his own flesh as the sinking feeling of irritation continued to trouble his own thoughts.

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