Nothing's New

499 12 17

Spending time together,
There chatter filled with laughter, Vince usually got tired when talking for an hour but when it came to Rody— it just, he felt perfect.

Conversations with the brunette seemed endless, not wearing him out but instead providing a refreshing company that he genuinely enjoyed. Even the meal seemed somewhat... better? Easier to handle, although he stuck with his trusty blended smoothie and drinks.

It turned out to be a surprisingly pleasant dinner date.

The flickering flames of the surrounding candles added a charming touch. The soft, romantic lighting created an atmosphere in the room that was both elegant and simple, a combination that Vince found truly delightful..

Rody extended his hand, and Vince reciprocated, their fingers almost touching.
He craved so badly to touch his hand.

His hands hovered tantalizingly close, just an inch away and Vince longed to feel the warmth and affection radiating from Rody.

It was a connection he yearned for, a touch that only the brunette could offer.

His hand reached out.

The ceiling, instead.

The soft rustling of the blankets, yet uncomfortable feeling of the heavy blanket awakened him fully. He looked around the bed and took the sheets off him.

Vince's shoulders trembled, his breath hitching as he looked around the empty bedroom.

Rubbing his eyelids, he felt the tears streaming down his cheek, a trace of red staining the corner. With a heavy heart, he sank to his knees on the cold floor.

The weight of his sorrow bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

The dreams, flooded his senses. The details of everything and how happy he could have been.

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