One more Bite

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TW: Slight Nsfw

A/N: There was an attempt—


The thought of tasting the blood of another man especially coming from Rody, ignited a wicked glint in his eyes. With a cunning smile, the raven-haired chef licked his lips and smashed his lips against his, their tongues in an unholy dance.

He felt his tongue tingle, a small hint of sour— the only flavor that his tastebud could feel.

In the dimly lit expanse of the bistro's kitchen, a heavy silence hung in the air as Vince stood before the brunette with his grasp firm. The atmosphere crackled with an unspoken tension, the weight of their bodies pressing closely to one another.

The man pulled away, and a string of saliva connected their mouths, oh how badly, Vince desired to have him.

Vince's piercing gaze met Rody, and with a calm assurance, he uttered, "You ate the meals I cooked for you?" Though his words
carried a subtle resonance, a dark tension aroused in his words.

Rody nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes betraying a hint of desperation mixed with a trace of apprehension. It felt like the chef could cook him alive. The kitchen seemed to be alive, breathing as if the walls closed in.

His hand moved to Rody's shoulder, fingers trailing along his neck and down to the fabric of his blouse with a feather-light touch.

"Did you enjoy the meals I've prepared you?" Vince's hand gently traced the contour of Rody's coat, the fabric loosened yielded under his touch, the vest now unbuttoned. "You know, people would kill to have the 'Charbonneau' cook for them."

"I—..." A long pause ensued, and Rody stayed quiet. He bit his lip to silence any whimpers he might utter. The chef's movements were deliberate and unhurried as Vince leaned in, his breath brushing against the tan man's ear.

Rody's gaze never wavered as Vincent's touch lingered, the tension between them palpable. With a painstakingly slow moment,
The dark-haired adult began to slowly peel away the other man's blouse, revealing the sleek lines of his shoulders beneath.

The air crackled with anticipation as Vincent leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over Rody's skin. With a predatory glint in his eye, he lowered his head, his lips hovering just above the exposed flesh.

The subtle tension in the air grew thicker with each passing moment. Vincent's teeth grazed Rody's exposed skin, taking a slow and measured bite. His teeth sank into his shoulders.

In that charged moment, time seemed to stand still as Vincent pressed his lips to Rody's shoulder, his teeth grazing the skin in a slow and deliberate motion. A shiver of pleasure rippled through the adult body as he felt the sensation— as if longing for the feeling of reciprocation.

"Rody?"  Vince stared up at Rody's eyes. Realizing his actions and slowly pulled away but Rody gripped his hand, pulling him back in.

The brunette kissed him, his hands grasping tightly around the back of Vince. The way Rody gripped him, almost ripped off his uniform. "Don't leave me, please. please." He muttered pitifully.

Rody craved affection, he wanted to be loved by someone— the feeling of being wanted.

The sensation, a blend of pleasure and a subtle undercurrent of something darker enveloped them in intimacy.

He's starting to grow desperate to have someone reciprocate his feelings, As he slowly realizes, just from all the unanswered phone calls from Manon, that Manon will never come back to him.

The man in his ruined waiter's uniform, pressed his hand lightly on the bitemark on his shoulder, his fingers coated with Vince's saliva and his blood, disgustingly mixed.

"I—I want you to do this to me, more." It didn't sound intimate, not even lustful, more of a pathetic plea. He begs Vince to ruin him, to ruin him to the point where he forgets all about his sweetheart Manon.

Vince, he— he knew he was just a replacement for Manon. But was desperate.

His desperation caused a storm of conflicting emotions within him. On one hand, he craved the affection and attention that Rody so eagerly offered, a temporary salvation. On the other hand, he wrestled with guilt and self-loathing, knowing deep down that he was merely a substitute for the one Rody truly desired.

"Please. Please—"
As Rody's desperate pleas filled the air, Vince felt a surge of pity and longing, mingled with a sense of power. He understood Rody's yearning for love and acceptance all too well, having experienced it himself.

But he also knew the darkness that lurked beneath his desires, a darkness he would unleash upon someone as vulnerable as Rody.

"Of course."  Vince found himself unable to resist Rody's plea. He already sealed the deal by biting his shoulders. Does it matter that Rody's heart was still stuck for Manon?

He'll make sure that Rody will forget that name.

With a mixture of desperation and passion, he leaned in once more, his lips finding Rody's with a fervor born of desperation.

Vince felt Rody's fingers intertwine against his black hair, it felt nice. It beckoned him to push further.

The adult's chapped lips against his soft lips. It was slightly uncomfortable, feeling the dryness of it but the pale-skinned adult didn't care so much— just the feeling of their lips against each other sent a nice feeling to his mind.

The man in white-clad pressed his hands on Rody's back. He craved more of this feeling— it excited him.

His lips curled up into a coy smirk, gazing at them with desire, cold hands slipping underneath the shirt and freely roaming around him as if Rody was his to claim.

Shifting his position, Vince buried his nose in the crook of Rody's neck, it smelled heavily of citrus.

He dragged his warm tongue around the exposed skin to the neck down to the collarbone. A rush of infatuation coursed through the chef's veins and in pure delight as he traced his tongue around the other man's collarbone.

It sent a shiver down Rody's spine, making him tremble and whimper.

The chef intertwined his fingers with the writer, staring at how small his hands were compared to Rody "You love me, right?" Vince spoke in between breaths, their tone was filled with uncertainty but passionate.

Rody's chest heaved with anticipation, his heart racing as strands of brown hair scattered in every direction. His tan skin flushed with warmth, cheeks tinged with a warm hue as Vince's hot breath fanned across him, teasing his senses.

A nervous chuckle escaped Rody's lips, mingling with a stifled moan as Vince gently nibbled on his earlobe. Sensations surged through him as he instinctively wrapped his arms around Vince's shoulders, drawing him closer in an embrace that felt both electrifying and comforting.

"I  do..."

Vince made a mental note, a mental statement. Even if he couldn't get rid of Rody's heart, that was set on Manon then he'll have his flesh instead.

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