1~In Hospital

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It's Winter....cool breeze passing through the window....everyone busy in their own work....some are praying for wellbeing of loved one and some are worried about money they have to pay....in all this is hustle bustle Adi aka Aditya sitting Doctor's cabin waiting for doctor......suddenly his thought broke by doctor....

Doctor:- Hello Aditya....sorry I'm little late due to emergency...

Aditya:- It's okay doctor...by the way u said there is something you wanted to discuss with me....

Doctor:- See Aditya...you know the condition of Mohini...we are treating her from 4years but now there is no improvement in her case....and moreover patient is not positive towards recovering....but....

Aditya:- but what doctor

Doctor:- After last night checkup report we got know that medicine stops it's work...no more medicine can cure her now...

Aditya:- what you mean by this doctor

Doctor:- Aditya we are treating Mohini from last 4 years...from last 1year she is living only due to medicine...we thought she will be fine with time..but now the medicines are also not working....so there is no way to save her...

Aditya:- Then what should we do now doctor .....

Doctor:-Sorry to say this but....take her home and let see how many days she will live....if she feel more pain then visit hospital....hope everything will fine(doctor gave small smile to adi)

Aditya:-Okay doctor as you say....

Saying this Adi went from doctors cabin....

He directly went to meet Mohini...
Mohini is sleeping on bed and her mother sitting beside her while crying silently....Adi's mother and sister(anjali) were sitting on couch near bed with Anjali's 2years son Anush....

He silently went to near bed and sat on the chair near bed....while lookingdown...He is quiet because he don't know what to say or how to say them....suddenly Mohini called him...

Mohini:- Aditya ji....( in slow voice due to her health issue) ....

Adi just hummed

Mohini:- Mein ghar jana chahati hu...pls mujhe ghar leke jaiye...while saying this lone tear slipped from her eyes(I want to go home...please take me home)
It made Adi feel bad but he didn't said anything just hummed....and turned towards his sister....

Aditya:- Anju I will go and complete discharge process....you take Mohini ,mom and Aunty ji and go home with driver Uncle.......
Said and stood from the place...

Anjali:- Bhaiya you are not coming home....

Aditya:- yes I will but not now ...because I have some work ....

Saying this he went out without listening anyone....

Watching this all Kalyani started cursing herself for her son's misery...because she is the sole reason for her son's condition...she is crying silently because she know it's all her mistake.....

Anali took everyone...and went to home ....


32 years old lady sitting in doctor cabin with her son....

Doctor:- There is no issue Ms Tara ....it's just minor cut ....it will heal soon...just take care of wound ....

Tara:- Thaks doctor...and sure I will take care of him...
Tara said while glaring at his son who is looking down....
After checkup....Mother son duo came out of hospital and drove back to home... whole ride was silent....

In home:-

After coming home 9years old boy started running behind his mother while chanting sorry....that boy is none other than our naughty

Avyan:- mumma I'm sorry naa ....pls I will not fight next time...promise...

Avyan said standing infront of her with his most innocent puppy eyes...
Tara didn't said anything she just ignored and went went inside kitchen....

Avyan - mumma...pls
Again she just ignored him and started her work.
He got idea in his little brain....

Avyan:- ouch!...mumma it's paining....mummaaaaa!....

Avyan started crying ...and shouting her name..
Tara panicked came to living room...sat on couch nd took him on her lap and asked him where it is paining...

He pointed his small index finger on his heart and said 'Here' ...she sighed in disbelief because she know how dramatic her son is...

Avyan:- mumma please talk to me. I will not do ike this ever again...mumma it's not my mistake that stupid Monty who started fighting that's why it happens....please sorry mumma...(tears are ready to flow like water)

Yes you all are correct...here our Tara melted like an icecream in her son's word...

Tara- okay...Avi but this is last time...if it's happens again then you will see my wrath...

Avyan:- okay...pakkawala promise...
Saying this he pecked his mother chicks and ran to couch and started watch his favorite cartoon show...

Tara smiled looking at her son....and went to kitchen.....


Hope you all like this chapter


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