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Adi's POV:-

After some time Tara entered my cabin. I'm really happy. I don't know what to say so I gestured her to take sit.

Then she said that she have some conditions with complete professional tone. Now I straighten myself and asked her to continue.

After listening her conditions I felt my heart crushed in pieces. Because she straightly said me to not involve in her personal life also she is staying here only for 10months.

I observed her continously her legs were shivering and she is vcontrolling her tears.

I know my Tara. She still loves me.

I agreed her conditions. After that she went outside.
In afternoon I saw her with Kabir. And they both went for lunch towards canteen.

I'm  desperated to go with her. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, embrace her in my arms, never allow her to go. But it's all just my imagination. I lost her. With sadness lone tear escaped from eyes. I wiped my eyes and focused on my work.

I know today Tara don't have much work because today is her first day. So she went home early. I saw her going from my window and Continued my work.

After completing my work
looked at time and it's already 8.30

So I decided to return home.

( after sometime)

I rang the door bell, Mom opened the door and I straightly went inside my room without giving single glance at my mom.

I stood in shower. It calms my mind and relaxes my body.

Came outside bathroom and wore track pant and shirt.

Again started my work on laptop.
Near 9.30 mom called me for dinner.

I sat in dinning table started eating my food. Suddenly mom's voice caught my attention.

" Still how many years you are giving me punishment Adi?...."

I didn't bother to look at her. I'm busy in my food.

Again she said
" Stop this Avoiding game Adi...I'm pissed off with your silent treatment. Stop this behavior Adi "...

Now I looked at mom, Mohini and Mohini's mother and said

" Game.."

I chuckled and continued
" we all know mom who is better player in the game. And let me tell you all I'm the one pawn in your game mom."

Again I started eating.

This time my so called mother-in-law said
" Adi let it be beta...it's been 10 years ....just move on and forgive us"

I didn't even bother to look at her..
But next my mother words triggered me

" I'm your mother Adi. You can't do with me like this, whatever I did it is only for your good beta"

Harshly I  throw glass on floor stood up from the chair. They all are looking me in shock .

I screamed on them
" Just shut up..don't you dare to say that whatever you did it's for my good. Listen carefully it's never for me, it's always for you and your friend and for her daughter. what you said mother...arey look at your son he is suffering from 10years. I'm living like lifeless body. Look at your so called daughter-in-law she is suffering from disease which even doctors can't find medicine for that. Look at you and your friend. We all are suffering because of your dirty game."

I turned towards Mohini's mother and said her
" Listen my dear so called namesake mother-in-law your daughter will never be my wife. She is just my misery. So listen carefully I will never move on in my life. TARU MERI ZINDAGI THI, TARU MERI ZINDAGI HAI AUR TARU HAMESHA MERI ZINDAGI RAHEGA.
Make it clear in your mind. And about forgiveness even I'm begging that from my Taru"

I looked at Mohini, she is silently crying.
Without eating I stromed to my room.

I know I'm too harsh but they deserve. In this thought sleep engrossed me.

In midnight.

I woke up in midnight and went to washroom. After I tried to sleep but I can't, so decided to walk in garden.

But my surprise Mohini is sitting on sofa in living room. I went to near her. Sensing my presence she looked at my and gave faint smile. I just nodded.

I sat infront of her on single sofa.
She said
" Sorry Adi...it's all because of me"

I  nodded and said " its okay "

We both sat in silent for few minutes without exchanging single word. Finally I decided to tell her about Tara.

So I told her about Tara. And everything happens today in office.

She is in shock then composed herself. and asked,
" I want to meet her Aditya. Please let me meet ....please believe me I'm not that old Mohini".
She started crying.

I told her

"I  know now you are not that old Mohini. But I can't let you meet her now because she is not that Old Tara".

She looked down and kept wiping her tears. Asked me

" Is she married someone?"

Looking at ceiling I replied 
" She is married and has 9year old son. But now her husband was not with her. She lives with her parents and brother now in Delhi".

While saying this my heart is paining. If I took  right decision on time. Then now she will be my wife and mother of my child.

She asked again
" Samar know about Tara joining your company?"

I replied
" Maybe no because if he got know then surely he will not let her work with me"

I know about Samarthya he is so protective towards her.

She stood up and looked in my eyes and said

" Aditya you lost her 10 years back. Even it's not your fault, we all are played with you and manipulated you. After that  you tried to find her but all your attempts were went in vain. But now you got chance. She is here infront you. It's God's sign. God gave you  second chance so please don't let her to go this time. Win her Aditya. Consider as it's my last wish. Anyhow I don't have much time. So it's my last death wish Aditya"

Saying this she went inside her room.

Even I went my room.


You all are thinking that what happened in past that they were suffering from years.then let me tell you about there past....


It will continue in next chapter😉


Hello guys. From next chapter you will get to know about there past.

I will write 4 to 5 chapters on their past.

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Stay Happy Stay Healthy 💖

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