20~ Invitation

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Adi's life is always unexpected, before and even now also, but only satisfaction is his Taru is infront of him.

He know she is not like before, anyway seeing her gorgeous face daily makes his day beautiful.  She is his peace.

After her conditions, he tried to talk with her but after seeing her determination towards  conditions, he didn't invalid in her personal space.

He daily watches her from his cabin. Maybe that's more than anything for him.

Now sam also know about Tara's job and didn't bothered much, so somewhere everything is under control .

After Saturday's Sam's stunt she didn't faced Adi.

So today Monday she came to office. Firstly she walked towards Adi's cabin and knocked the door. After hearing come in she went inside.

Firstly adi is surprised to see her infront of him  because she never come to his cabin without any important work. Always she used to avoid the meeting with him. He composed and told her to take seat. But child also can say how happy he is.

Hesitantly Tara took seat. She started with Good morning.  He also replied with Good morning.

She continued
" Actually sir I'm sorry for my brother's behavior. It is not appropriate to barg in your cabin and punch you so I'm genuinely sorry for his act."

Adi replied
" It's okay Taru.."  she cutted him and said" Miss Tara."
He corrected and said
" Ha..Miss Tara it's okay. Anyway it's expected from him. So don't be sorry".

Tara is not satisfied here because she is confused from that why he didn't punched back sam or didn't protested
Out of curiosity she asked

" Sir can I ask you something?"

Adi is happy whatever may question but she is talking with him. So with smile he nodded his head.

" Why you didn't protested when my brother was punching you or why you didn't punched him back?"

Adi smiled and said

" If his punch is punishment for my deeds then I'm ready to take punches everyday from him".

She didn't said anything then he continued

" Anyway I deserve it. Not only that more than that".

She nodded and went out from there.

He looked at her retraining figure and smiled but it is sad smile.

(Time skips⏳)

Days are passing slowly for Tara. She is avoiding every moment were she have to face Adi.

It's been two months since she joined here. Even she met Anju and talked with her for hour.

When anju got to know that Tara is working in Adhira's she directly ran to meet Tara. 

Tara is surprised to see anju there but after  meeting with her she is happy. Because they both are bestfriend.  Literally they both spent two hours chit chating  in Tara's cabin. Kabir came to make them separate.  While adi is just observing Tara's happy face. He didn't bother to interfere or let her know that he is observing her.

On the other hand Tara is pretending to be professional but deep down only she know how badly she is controlling herself.

Her day didn't start without seeing him. She says that she hate him but deep down only she know how much she loves him. In 2months watching him from far is her new addiction. But she don't accept that.

Even sam also didn't picked the Adi's topic after that day.

Tara admitted his son in new school in Delhi. He is 3rd standard (9years old)now. He is mature then his age. Always understanding child. Mamma's boy but now currently Nani's(Grand mother) jaan.

Kabir is very happy for his friend. After arrival of Tara there is a lot of changes in Adi. His actual self didn't came back but still there is lot of improvements. He is no more robotic person. He eats at time and even he smiles sometimes but only around Tara.

Everything started falling on there place after years.

One monday evening Anju with her husband and son went to Tara's house.

Tara and her mother invited them with smile. Made them sit on sofa and gave some snacks and juice.

Tara introduced Diya( Sam's wife)to anju. In less time they both mingled.

After Tara introduced anju and her husband to Siya as Sam and Diya's daughter.  Avyan as her son. Anju lovingly talked with both children's.

Meanwhile Sam entered inside. Looking at sam firstly anju is nervous because she remembered temple incident.

For her surprise he came apologized for his behavior. He also sat with them.

Firstly Anju's son anush is not ready to mingle with anyone but after he went near Tara.

Anju said
" So coming sunday evening we organized birthday party of my son 3rd birthday. I want you all should be there without missing. "

Sam said
" Ohooo...so monkey your son is 3years old now"

Everyone laughed at his statement and anju smacked on his head.

Everyone is busy in chit chatting and Harish (Anju's husband) continously staring towards kids. Siya, anush and Avyan were playing but his complete attention is on Avi.

Anju nudged her husband and he continued talking with sam.

After  few hours anju and her family drove back to home.

In night time anju asked her husband why he is staring at avyan.

He replied
" I don't know why but he look very familiar".

She know where the conversation is going Actually he is not wrong. Even she also observed that but she shrugged her thoughts and told him to don't think much.


Today's update.
Hope you guys likes it.

Thank you and
Love you all.❤
Stay Happy Stay Healthy 😊🙌

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