18~ Karma is real.

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It's been week , since both Kabir and Adi is on mission, Searching Tara. Sam is too stubborn. He is not even recieving there call.

Firstly they went to bengaluru college,  were she is studying but for there disappointment she is absent. Even her PG mates don't know where she is. They visited all companies in bengaluru and Delhi but she is no where to be seen.

Adi nd kabir went to Tara's house too but no use. Her mother didn't bother to listen them directly told to get out.

Like this days are started passing . Now it's been 1 month to there marriage. In this 1 months he didn't talk with anyone except anju and kabir. Morning 6am he go outside in search ofTara and come back at night after 11.

Now it's too much for him. He is frustrated and also it's suffocating him in his own house. So He took decision.

Adi called kabir

Kabir said

"Hello Adi...any information regarding Tara?"

He ignored his question and said

" I'm joining your friend new startup business in Chennai. Tomorrow only, make arrangements. "

Kabir replied
" Are you out of your mind Adi. Due to your mental health your business is bankrupting and now you want to join startup that too in Chennai. No way adi you are not going anywhere. "

Adi took deep breath and said
" very firstly kabir I'm not asking your permission, I already took decision and secondly don't worry about my business mama will handle, also I will be touch through online. "

Before kabir could reply he hung the call.

Next morning he went to chennai. He informed to only Kabir and Anju.

He joined in Company of Kabir's friend.  It's new startup so he became partner with him.

Other side when Kalyani got to know about her son went to Chennai, she tried to call him but he already blocked her number also Mohini and anika number too.

They tried a lot to connect him but all went in vain. Days are passing,  Kalyani didn't got any information about him and even anju didn't help her mother.

5years later....

He  never imagined his life will take such disaster way. He dreamed life with his love. His home. But now he is living like lifeless body.

In 5yearss so many changes occurred.
After coming to Chennai Adi rented 1bhk flat in apartment.

He used to go office morning 9.00 am and return home night 10.00PM . He is the last returning from office. He completely became Robot.

Adi's POV:-

In my office everyone thinks that I'm depressed or mental unstable but do I care ...no way...

It's been 5 years I lost My love...my life. 
I don't know why I'm living in first place. But you know I'm coward because I can't attempt suicide.
My life became complete dark.

I'm only in contact with Anju and Kabir. coming to my  so called mother, I blocked her number 5 years back also her so called daughter in law and friends also. But I transfer money to her account. 

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