Chapter 3

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That clanking. That goddamn clanking. Y/N would say that it'd hunt him until the end of his days. The sound of cell doors opening and closing.

He took a deep breath, the cold of the morning entering his lungs. It was always dark and cold here, he'd grown used to the discomfort already.

"Gospoda, ya ne mogu vam obeshchat', chto vy vyydete otsyuda zhivymi. YA mogu obeshchat' vam, chto eto vyydet naruzhu," the short man in front of him spoke with an authoritarian voice, "YA dayu im vozmozhnost' umeret', gniya za reshetkoy ili derzha v rukakh vintovku."

His name was Anatoly Kuznetsov, leader of the [CO£F¥D€NT¥AL] group, and he was currently giving a "motivational" speech to gather as many prisoners as he could to fight in the front as contractors.

"Mne nuzhny volontery, pryamo seychas!"

Some timid hands were being raised.

"Am I doing this shit again?" the young man thought to himself.

That clanking again. Cell doors.

It didn't matter. It doesn't matter at all. What we choose doesn't matter. Some are enslaved by dictators. Others by the government. Some are obligated to give their lives under the rule of the war. The vast majority live under the rule of the dollar. He might as well die doing something than just rotting inside of this damned prison.

Y/N raised his hand.

"Eto zanyalo u tebya dostatochno vremeni, mal'chik", Anatoly shook his hand, "velkom to ze family, da?"

The young boy gulped.

"Da, gospodi."


He opened his eyes and looked around frantically. Profusely sweating and breathing heavily, he darted at the bedside table's clock. 6:47 AM.

The clanking hadn't stopped.

He got up and approached the window, looking for the source of the sound. And there it was, the old rotating clothesline was making that stupid noise.

He'll get it replaced. Later.

As for now, Y/N wasn't getting more sleep, not after that nightmare anyway. So he decided to start getting ready for the day.

He took a cold shower, shaved, got his hair done and got dressed.

After cooking something quick for breakfast, Y/N picked up his phone and searched for a nearby bookshop. It turned out that there was a nice looking one close by, and it opened at 7:30, so he had plenty of time to buy Yuri's book and still pick her up to drive her to school.

He washed his olive oil stained hands and grabbed his bomber and the car keys, ready to head out.


The alarm started beeping, and Yuri was already awake.

How much had she slept that night? 4 hours maybe? She couldn't tell.

Yesterday had been too stressful, so she spent most of the night replaying everything she said in her head and thinking about all the other possible outcomes if she had acted differently.

Plus, she felt really guilty. It had already been two weeks without another "knife" incident, and yesterday she broke the streak.

She stopped the beeping and slowly got out of bed, making her way to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

"I look like the living dead," She ogled at her baggy eyes and sighed, "should I apply some make up over this?"

No way, people would look at her even more. She'd just die from embarrassment if someone pointed out that she'd tried to dissimulate her ugliness. But what if Y/N thought of her as careless with herself.

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