A Resting Period

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The air was cold and silent. The eerily large moon hung over the Lands Between with an ever watchful eye. The Tarnished stared at the sphere with a long want in his eye. Memories of a warm embrace from a blue goddess were the only thing circulated in his mind. He let out a long sigh as he waited. What he waited for he did not know, but something told him it would be here soon.

Soft footsteps crunched against the grass behind him, he didn't bother to turn around to see who it was. Only one person had ever chose to approach him when it his back was turned after all. Melina slowly kneeled down beside him, staring at the moon alongside him. "Are you okay Dear Tarnished?" He didn't respond, too lost in his own memories to know if there was answer to that question.

"I see. Well then, Queen Marika has just finished preparing dinner. She requested you eat before it is all gone, refusing a meal from the Queen may incite another...disagreement between you two." She was referring to the fight he and Maliketh ended up losing to her in. The woman was truly a god. Melina stared at him for a moment longer, she could not leave him in this state. Something within her, simply could not stand to see him like this. She shifted closer to the man and placed her hand over his. He looked at her, the contact bringing him back.

"Meli—" She placed a finger over her lips shushing him. "How long has it been since you've spoken to someone...other than your spirits?" The Tarnished chuckled in confusion. "What do you mean? I speak to people all the time?" She shook her head and looked him in the eyes.
"You know that is not what I mean, I could see it in your eyes a moment ago, the lonely gaze you held." Melina turned to him completely grasping his face with both hands as gently as she could. The Tarnished could not deny he enjoyed the feeling, her hands were warm as they'd always been, and soft as cotton. He let himself relish in the feeling. The girl herself noticed and pouted squeezing his face to make him pay attention.

"As I was saying, you have been isolated for far too long, lost in a trail of memories from past lives you no longer live. You've been absorbed in creating a perfect future for everyone, but it seems it has been a long while since you thought about your own, well not your future but how you fit into so to speak. What is it you desire from all of this? Where do you wish to be when all is said and done?" He looked at her and smiled. She had always been worried about him, and if it was him a few million journeys ago, he might've actually worried about this. But there was truly no point to it. He had long since came to terms with the fragile reality that even he does not truly know what he is working towards. However, he had also realized along the way that the bonds he forged, the people that he cared for were what he was working for. He had more power than he needed, and he could easily claim the Elden Ring whenever he chose to. Yet, if he was there alone, without the people he spent thousands of lifetimes to forge bonds with, then what was the point of it? He knew where he wanted to be, and if things went well she would be there with him.

He pulled her hands off of his face and stood up with her. "You need not worry about that. I remember things often, to help me stay focused on my goal. I know where I wish to be at the end of the journey, so breathe easily." Melina held a skeptical look in her eye, but nodded nonetheless. She pulled away from the man and headed back into the church. He watched as she went, his longing gaze returning but after her. He silently sighed within. "Patience, I must be patient."

It was a silent for a long moment after, until a voice he had been wanting to hear for so long reached his ears through it all. "But one must wonder, why it is thou must remain patient." He slowly turned around and found himself staring at a figure of white and blue. He had to restrain himself from hugging her, or even saying her name, everything had to go as close as it could to the original timeline. He doubted if he'd be able to restore their bond if it did not. "May I ask who you are?" It felt weird coming out of his mouth, but it would do its part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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