"These two" are "Idiots"

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Hi everyone
Here with another one...!!
Hope you like it..!!
Happy reading!

Rohit Sharma stood tall at the crease, his eyes focused on the red leather ball hurtling towards him. The crowd's roar faded into the background as he swung his bat with precision, sending the ball soaring over the boundary for yet another boundary. The sun beat down relentlessly on the cricket field in Australia as Rohit and his team fought fiercely in the test match.

Meanwhile, in Mumbai, Virat Kohli paced back and forth in his living room, his eyes glued to the TV screen broadcasting the match. His mind was with his best friend and his team thousands of miles away in Australia. He couldn't help but feel a pang of pride and longing as he watched Rohit dominate the opposition with his masterful strokes.

As the final day of the test match in Australia arrived, Rohit's team emerged victorious, with Rohit himself contributing significantly to the win with his outstanding performance. But amidst the celebrations, Rohit's mind was elsewhere. He had a nagging feeling since the morning, as if something wasn't right, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. All he could do was pray that everyone stayed safe.

While coming back to hotel, his phone buzzed, interrupting his thoughts, and he quickly answered it, his heart pounding with worry.

"Hello?" he answered, his voice tense.

"Rohit, it's me," came the voice of the team physio. "I'm afraid there's bad news about Shreyas. He's injured his back again, and it's not looking good."
Rohit's heart sank as he listened to the update

They were scheduled to fly back to India that same night, but Rohit couldn't shake off the feeling that something else was amiss...he tried calling virat but couldn't get to him... Little did he know, virat was on the flight to Bengaluru as his rahul also got injured during practice.

Back at the hotel, Bhuvi, Ajju, Ash, and Jaddu attempted to comfort him, but Rohit's anxiety refused to subside.

"Where is Ro bhaiya" Shubman inquired, glancing at Kul, who had gone to fetch Rohit for dinner.

"He said he is not hungry and will have it later" Kul informed the group, his brows furrowed with concern as he relayed Rohit's message.

The senior players, Ash, Jaddu, Bhuvi, and Ajju, exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of Rohit's worry, their expressions mirroring a shared understanding of Rohit's state of mind.

"But.." Ishan began to protest, his concern for Rohit evident in his voice.

" He is worried na Ishu...tum log dinner krlo...hum use khila denge" Bhuvi intervened, his tone gentle yet firm.His words carried a sense of reassurance, a reminder to the team that they were all in this together, ready to support each other through thick and thin.

Ishan nodded reluctantly, his worry for Rohit tempered by Bhuvi's assurance.

Despite the celebratory atmosphere following their victory, the mood at the dinner table was somber, each bite tasting of worry and concern.

Observing the scene, the senior players couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. They knew how much Rohit cared for each of them, and seeing him in distress was difficult for them to bear.

Eventually, the seniors made their way to Rohit's room, finding him standing alone on the balcony, his phone pressed to his ear as he spoke to Yas's doctor. Sensing his distress, they silently approached him, offering their silent support as they stood by his side.

"Is it serious?" Bhuvi asked, concern etched on his face.

"Kal subah exact pata chlega" Rohit replied wearily, his mind racing with worry.

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