Questions - ABRo

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Hi everyone...!!

So this is regarding the AbRo story...i have written but i have a few questions... please answer if you can and are willing to read the story on them

1. Since its a long story... (atleast longer than all earlier one shots) you want it as a one shot or i should write it as a separate book with bit small 5-6 chapters...??

(Ps. The book will probably be in more details than the one shot because its already very big.. can't write more in it)

2. If you want the you want to read a complete book or i can give daily updates for next 4-5 six days ( you'll get the book in 3-4 days in first option but will try to post two chapters today itself in second case )

3. Also do you want anything special in that story... anything...will try to incorporate in case of book

Thats it..!!
Hoping that you will answer...(Will wait for them )...

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